Thursday, October 27, 2016

Technical Help Needed

Dear Friends of Hope ~

Along with the regular weekly Hope Notes, you are getting a 'bonus' email from me!  

I am writing out of pure frustration.  I have no idea how the Notes appear to you when you open them, but when I copy & paste them from my Word Document to compose them in gmail, they are a royal mess.  I try and fix them up as best I can, but it is time consuming and doesn't yield the results I would like.  I've seen different versions of the same newsletter on various people's incoming mail.  I know that in my own, Hope Notes shows up looking all kinds of different ways.  It varies from week to week.

Is there anyone out there who could offer some advice as to how to fix this problem?  If you just hit 'reply', your emails will come directly to my address.  If you prefer to contact me directly, my address is

Thanks in advance!


Hope Notes 10/27/16


Dear Friends of Hope ~

Can you think of a time when the Lord has helped you?  It may have been a prayer that was answered 'just the way you wanted', or a need that was met, or a dream fulfilled, or the seemingly impossible realized.  There are numerous ways in which He extends His grace to us.  The problem comes when we don't remember these things.  We begin to forget the miracles (both big and small) that He has wrought in our lives.  At the moment they occurred, we were giving praise and thanks to Him.  We may have even told lots of people what He did.  But then the moment passes, life goes on, and we forget.  Whenever I find myself thinking how foolish the people of Israel were to doubt God's goodness and provision, I am reminded that I often do the same.  My struggle is not that I think He CAN'T; it's that I sometimes just don't think He WILL.  My Christian heart knows that God uses trials to teach us and grow us in our faith.  So, I am often surprised to find how quickly He brings me out of a struggle, or provides just what I am praying for.  But WHY should I be so surprised?!  Does this reveal a lack of trust in Him?  Is it that I don't believe I am 'worthy' of His favor?  I don't know for sure; I just know that I am always surprised at my surprise!  On the flip side, I rejoice in my surprise because it keeps me in humble amazement at the mercy, the strength, and the love of our Savior.

In the Old Testament, memorials were often built to remember what God had done.  In today's world, it's probably not practical to place piles of stones all over our yards.  But we could write down the things that God has done.  I know we think we will remember them, but eventually we won't.  And I believe that looking back on them, especially in times of strife, will help us to keep our feet firmly planted on the grounds of faith.  I wish I had started this practice years ago, but it's never too late to begin building a 'monument' to memorialize God's limitless mercies.



10/30 – Are You in Danger? (Proverbs 29)

If you watch the news on any given night, the chances are quite high that you will hear information on some type of danger that threatens you and your family.  Whether it is the type of food you buy, the places you go, or what is happening in the world, we all perk our ears up at a warning so that we know if we need to adjust something to increase our safety.  Solomon uses this human tendency to talk about danger that comes our way spiritually.  This danger is highly destructive, but that doesn't stop many from falling into the trap.  We'll take a look at three areas that are spiritually devastating to see if we are walking toward this danger in our own lives!



Did you know that Sunday's worship service is available on CD immediately following the service for FREE?  Pick up a copy for yourself or for anyone you would like to share Hope with.  Pastor Mark's messages are also available on our website,



8:40 – 8:45 for Both Services

The prayer huddle is open to anyone who would like to come pray - but it is specifically intended for those who are serving on that Sunday.  So if you're scheduled to be in kids' ministry, greeting, in the tech booth, on worship team, or any other ministry role for a given Sunday, join us at 8:40 sharp to pray together for God's power in each of us.  We can do all things through Christ, and nothing of worth without Him, so let's come together each Sunday to ask for God's Spirit to fill us and use us!



8:30 in Pastor Mark's Office
Do you have a heart for prayer? Our Sunday morning prayer time is open to everyone. We pray for the services that morning and for the needs in the church. If you would like to participate, just show up!  Questions?  See Bob Baumiester.  "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20





 Psalm 84:10

 "Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked."



7:00 pm

Join us as we dig into 1Corinthians and gain a deeper understanding of God's Word and its application to our daily lives.  Childcare is available.



7:30 in Youth Room

First and Third Monday of every month

Anyone who has graduated high school up to their early thirties is welcome.  Contact Dave or Leah Hallahan at  Childcare is provided.




Sunday, October 30 from 3:30 - 6:00pm

It's almost here!  We need to get busy handing out flyers, taking a yard sign to post in your yard, and making sure to sign up to be a trunker!  We have the signs in the back of the auditorium and registration forms for your car are on the sign up table.  Once you fill out your form, just drop it in the offering box or give to Matt Russell.  Another way you can participate in this super fun event is by bringing a treat to share. You can sign up in the front foyer to bring cookies, brownies, donuts, Hawaiian punch and more! We want to be sure everyone who comes out - whether church family, friends, or neighborhood kids - gets to enjoy the warm welcome we are so used to here at Hope. See Dana Ott with any questions.



We want everyone to be a part of a small group! If you have a small group together, use a REGISTRATION FORM to list the when and where of your group as well as the people who are included.  Give that form to an elder or the pastor, or drop it in the offering slot. If your group needs some more members, post your partially filled group registration form on our 'Small Group" bulletin board so others can sign up for your group. If you don't have a group, you can sign up on one of the groups posted on our Small Group Bulletin Board or start your own! Study sheets are available online at our website under 'Small Groups" (www.hopechristianfellowship. org) and in the Resource Room.



Monday Evenings

Hope's first church bowling league! Open to men ages 16 and up.  Signup sheet is on the table in the lobby.  See Bruce Clark for more info.


Mondays at 7:00

Contact Mary Lebeau (316-6301/ for information.


Second Saturday of Every Month

8:00 – 9:30am

Come and join us for a delicious breakfast and a good time of fellowship/sharing with the men of Hope.  Feel free to bring a friend!  Open to men 18 and older.



6:30 – 8:30

Our middle school and high school groups meet right here at church! Come out for another amazing year as we grow closer together and closer to God!

Please Note:  Youth Group will NOT be meeting on October 30th.


7:00 – 8:15

Our middle school and high school groups meet here at church. We are doing a series called, 'Can I Really Ask That?' where we'll be looking at questions regarding doubt, hell, forgiveness, evil, sex, and more.  



Go Zone is our Sunday Morning kid's service, planned especially for 1st - 5th graders.  Our goal is to encourage the kids to live with their focus on "GOing for GOD, GOing for GROWTH, and GOing FOREVER!" This service includes worship, games, and exploring important biblical truths in fun and creative ways before heading off to Sunday school.

Follow HopeKids! Ministries on Facebook at:



Tuesday, November 1st

We've got quite a few 12' x 4' pieces of sheetrock to carry into the building.  Looking for teens, young adults, and any men who will be around between 3:00 – 5:00 Tuesday, November 1st.   Just head over to church and meet up with Ken to lend a helping hand.



Kids Alley, a ministry to children and families living in the City of Camden is in need of volunteers for its Saturday program. Our most urgent need is an adult bible teacher and a middle school boy's teacher/mentor. You can volunteer once a month or every other month. 

The Saturday Live program runs every Saturday at St. Mary's Episcopal Church at 18 White Horse Pike in Haddon Heights.  Volunteers are asked to arrive at 9:00 for a meeting and preparation and stay till 100 pm to help clean up. The actual program time is 10:45 am - 12:45 pm. For more info contact Brenda Hallahan @ 856-546-1098 or 



Karen & Steve Jones have a 27" Toshiba regular TV with remote available for FREE.  Call them at 856-728-8031 and arrange a time to pick it up!


October is Voting Month at Hope!  During this month, all partners are needed to vote for deacons and elder candidates.  Voting forms are available in the Resource Room. Please take one and vote for the partners that you believe would be good deacons or elders.  We need to grow our teams for the coming year and we need every partner to help us find the right people.  Please make sure that if you are a partner, you submit a voting form to Pastor Mark by  this Sunday, October 30th.


Looking for an opportunity to 'sing and make music unto the Lord'? If so, we would love to explore the possibility of finding a fit for you in the music ministry here at Hope. There are lots of places to serve besides our Sunday morning worship team such as Wednesday night Bible Study, Kid's Ministry in the GoZone, and even with our teens in Youth Group! If you are a gifted singer and/or instrumentalist, we want to invite you to come out for an informational meeting and audition on Thursday, Nov.10th at 7:00pm. There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer so you'll need to start there, then contact Dana Ott ( for more information or with any questions.


If God has laid it on your heart to give a little something extra for His kingdom, we have provided envelopes for you to do so!  These are not for your usual Sunday offering; they are for you to use if you'd like to give to a special project or ministry.  The envelopes are in a wall mounted bin next to our regular offering slot.


It's easy and convenient!  Simply go to our website at  and click Online Giving.  Text to Give coming in January. More information will follow.  Contact Damon ( or LaTosha ( Briggs with questions.


The New Testament has this wonderful ministry for the elders of a church - PRAYER.  And we'd like to offer it to anyone who is in need of healing (physical or otherwise) or who needs the power of God to be at work in their lives in a special way.  If you or anyone you know would like to take advantage of this ministry, contact Pastor Mark to set up a time after one of our Sunday services for the elders to pray over you.




Thanks to all who took home our 200 shoeboxes!  (If you did not receive one of the free shoeboxes, you can use your own or pick one up at a Dollar Store.)  Extra labels are on the OCC table at Hope.

Here's how to make this easy & fun:  CHOOSE a boy or girl and the age category.  FILL WITH a quality 'wow' item, then add other fun toys, hygiene items, and school supplies. PRAY for the child who will receive your gifts; you can include a personal note & photo.  If you'd like, you can donate $7 online and receive a tracking label to discover the destination of your shoebox.

Finished shoeboxes are due back at Hope by Sunday, November 13th.


Calling ALL singers!! Christmas Choir is back!! It's time again to gather up and gauge the interest for our Adult Christmas Cantata (9th grade and up). The performance date will be Dec.11th for the both the 9 and 11 o'clock services and choir practice will be Wednesday nights starting at the end of October (definite date TBA). There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer and we need you to start signing up NOW!  The chorus books are here and in the front of the auditorium.  If you take a book, please be sure to sign your name and what part you will be singing.  See Dana Ott with questions.



Christmas will soon be upon us, and come November, HopeKids will be gearing up for another great year of celebrating Jesus' birth, through a musical program!  We need volunteers who are willing to help with all of the preparation including teaching the songs and script, supervising practices and putting the program together.  Please contact Matt Russell if you are interested. 



There are so many places to connect and serve here at Hope.  Keep your eyes on this section to be aware of all the different opportunities for you to effectively serve at Hope. There truly IS 'something for everyone' and we want to make it easy for you to know all the different options!



Do you enjoy the announcements that play up front on our screens?  Or how about being able to see the words to our worship songs?  That's our Media Team's doing!  They could use some volunteers.  They will gladly teach you exactly what you need to know………..they promise it's not hard!  Contact Rick Mounce ( if you are interested, or just see one of the guys up in the sound booth!



Our pantry is pretty well stocked with food items, however there are some things that we don't have!  We are looking for those personal hygiene items such as toilet paper, shampoo, body wash, toothpaste, toothbrushes, hairbrushes, etc.  These donations would be greatly appreciated by those families in need!  Thank you.



Nursery 9:00        Paige Thomson, Lesley Russell

Nursery 11:00      Melissa McGinness, Bethany Pineda, Ryan Winstel

Toddlers 9:00       Kim Haines, Leah Aureli, Katherine DellaRova

Toddlers 11:00     Kirsten Hoy, Kirsty Straub, Natalie Mariani
Pre K – K 9:00      Linda Landis, Libby LeBeau

Pre K – K 11:00    Karen & Amanda Merriell
1st & 2nd – 9:00     Nina & Joe Mattera

1st & 2nd – 11:00   Ann Schweigart, Debbie Davis

3rd - 5th   9:00      TBA

3rd – 5th   11:00     TBA

Ushers 9:00          Bruce Clark

Ushers 11:00        Damon Briggs

Wed. Nursery       TBA

Counters              Kathy Berry, Wendy Devereaux

Greeters               Paul Hoffman

                             Donna Hoffman

                             Lisa Minner

                             Patti Tomasetti

If you have a prayer request, please fill out a prayer request card and drop it in the offering slot at the back of the church on Sunday or use the Contact Us Form on our website.  If you have any questions or would like to join the Prayer Team, please contact Bill Berry directly at 

Still Amazed,





Note: If you do not wish to continue receiving Hope Notes, simply reply to this email and I will remove your name from the list. Any correspondence for Hope Notes goes to Hopenotes Email.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Hoope Notes 10/20/16


Dear Friends of Hope ~

Ever since my brother's death in July, I've been up to my eyeballs in paperwork and disposing of his personal things.  It has really driven home to me the Biblical perspective of how we are not to 'store up treasures' here on earth, but rather to focus on our 'treasures in heaven'.  He surely had a lot of things here on earth, but I do not believe he held anything of eternal value.  He vehemently opposed anything Biblical.  Over the months, I've watched as his 160 acre property, all his vehicles and equipment, handmade furniture and guitars, etc. were disposed of.  His finances have been dissolved and distributed.  All the things he held during his time on earth no longer belong to him. As an old pastor friend of mine used to say, "Hearses don't pull U-Hauls".   Even if I could believe he was in heaven (although only God truly knows), those things would still be here.  The things closest to his heart have been sent to me and I've been sorting through all the papers, photographs and family trinkets. It is incredibly sad that one person's entire life can been reduced to a single dusty cardboard box.  It reaffirms in me the desire to leave more than tangible objects; I want to leave some sort of legacy that points to living a Christ centered life.  To remember that I must hold loosely to all the things of earth that are fleeting and instead hold tightly to Jesus.  This is hard to do –especially with loved ones.  But we cannot hold even them tightly.  They too belong to Jesus.  All in all, this whole process has made it crystal clear to me that the things of this world should hold no real value in our lives.  It's the things of eternity, the things of His Kingdom that hold true worth and that can make our lives have everlasting impact.



10/23 – Watch Your Words (Proverbs 27)

Have you ever been walking along a sidewalk, quietly enjoying your stroll when suddenly you trip over something unseen?  Maybe it is an uneven seam in the concrete or some object you didn't notice, but the front of your foot somehow found it anyway.  These tripping hazards aren't big and certainly aren't unavoidable, but their small size somehow contributes to their dark power to cause your downfall.  One area where we find ourselves spiritually tripping over little things all the time is in our words.  Today, we're going to look at a few areas where the truth is obvious, but all too easy to trip anyway.  We all probably struggle in one or all of these areas, so let's allow God to remind us of the ways we can trip over danger with our words.



Did you know that Sunday's worship service is available on CD immediately following the service for FREE?  Pick up a copy for yourself or for anyone you would like to share Hope with.  Pastor Mark's messages are also available on our website,



8:40 – 8:45 for Both Services

The prayer huddle is open to anyone who would like to come pray - but it is specifically intended for those who are serving on that Sunday.  So if you're scheduled to be in kids' ministry, greeting, in the tech booth, on worship team, or any other ministry role for a given Sunday, join us at 8:40 sharp to pray together for God's power in each of us.  We can do all things through Christ, and nothing of worth without Him, so let's come together each Sunday to ask for God's Spirit to fill us and use us!



8:30 in Pastor Mark's Office
Do you have a heart for prayer? Our Sunday morning prayer time is open to everyone. We pray for the services that morning and for the needs in the church. If you would like to participate, just show up!  Questions?  See Bob Baumiester.  "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20





 Psalm 84:10

 "Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked."



7:00 pm

Join us as we dig into 1Corinthians and gain a deeper understanding of God's Word and its application to our daily lives.  Childcare is available.



7:30 in Youth Room

First and Third Monday of every month

Anyone who has graduated high school up to their early thirties is welcome.  Contact Dave or Leah Hallahan at  Childcare is provided.




Sunday, October 30 from 3:30 - 6:00pm

It's almost here!  We need to get busy handing out flyers, taking a yard sign to post in your yard, and making sure to sign up to be a trunker!  We have the signs in the back of the auditorium and registration forms for your car are on the sign up table.  Once you fill out your form, just drop it in the offering box or give to Matt Russell.  Another way you can participate in this super fun event is by bringing a treat to share. You can sign up in the front foyer to bring cookies, brownies, donuts, Hawaiian punch and more! We want to be sure everyone who comes out - whether church family, friends, or neighborhood kids - gets to enjoy the warm welcome we are so used to here at Hope. See Dana Ott with any questions.



We want everyone to be a part of a small group! If you have a small group together, use a REGISTRATION FORM to list the when and where of your group as well as the people who are included.  Give that form to an elder or the pastor, or drop it in the offering slot. If your group needs some more members, post your partially filled group registration form on our 'Small Group" bulletin board so others can sign up for your group. If you don't have a group, you can sign up on one of the groups posted on our Small Group Bulletin Board or start your own! Study sheets are available online at our website under 'Small Groups" (www.hopechristianfellowship. org) and in the Resource Room.



Monday Evenings

Hope's first church bowling league! Open to men ages 16 and up.  Signup sheet is on the table in the lobby.  See Bruce Clark for more info.



Mondays at 7:00

Contact Mary Lebeau (316-6301/ for information.



Second Saturday of Every Month

8:00 – 9:30am

Come and join us for a delicious breakfast and a good time of fellowship/sharing with the men of Hope.  Feel free to bring a friend!  Open to men 18 and older.




6:30 – 8:30

Our middle school and high school groups meet right here at church! Come out for another amazing year as we grow closer together and closer to God!

Please Note:  Youth Group will NOT be meeting on October 30th.



7:00 – 8:15

Our middle school and high school groups meet here at church. We are doing a series called, 'Can I Really Ask That?' where we'll be looking at questions regarding doubt, hell, forgiveness, evil, sex, and more.  




Go Zone is our Sunday Morning kid's service, planned especially for 1st - 5th graders.  Our goal is to encourage the kids to live with their focus on "GOing for GOD, GOing for GROWTH, and GOing FOREVER!" This service includes worship, games, and exploring important biblical truths in fun and creative ways before heading off to Sunday school.

Follow HopeKids! Ministries on Facebook at:





Kids Alley, a ministry to children and families living in the City of Camden is in need of volunteers for its Saturday program. Our most urgent need is an adult bible teacher and a middle school boy's teacher/mentor. You can volunteer once a month or every other month. 

The Saturday Live program runs every Saturday at St. Mary's Episcopal Church at 18 White Horse Pike in Haddon Heights.  Volunteers are asked to arrive at 9:00 for a meeting and preparation and stay till 100 pm to help clean up. The actual program time is 10:45 am - 12:45 pm. For more info contact Brenda Hallahan @ 856-546-1098 or 



Karen & Steve Jones have a 27" Toshiba regular TV with remote available for FREE.  Call them at 856-728-8031 and arrange a time to pick it up!



October is Voting Month at Hope!  During this month, all partners are needed to vote for deacons and elder candidates.  Voting forms are available in the Resource Room. Please take one and vote for the partners that you believe would be good deacons or elders.  We need to grow our teams for the coming year and we need every partner to help us find the right people.  Please make sure that if you are a partner, you submit a voting form to Pastor Mark by October 30.



Looking for an opportunity to 'sing and make music unto the Lord'? If so, we would love to explore the possibility of finding a fit for you in the music ministry here at Hope. There are lots of places to serve besides our Sunday morning worship team such as Wednesday night Bible Study, Kid's Ministry in the GoZone, and even with our teens in Youth Group! If you are a gifted singer and/or instrumentalist, we want to invite you to come out for an informational meeting and audition on Thursday, Nov.10th at 7:00pm. There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer so you'll need to start there, then contact Dana Ott ( for more information or with any questions.



If God has laid it on your heart to give a little something extra for His kingdom, we have provided envelopes for you to do so!  These are not for your usual Sunday offering; they are for you to use if you'd like to give to a special project or ministry.  The envelopes are in a wall mounted bin next to our regular offering slot.



It's easy and convenient!  Simply go to our website at  and click Online Giving.  Text to Give coming in January. More information will follow.  Contact Damon ( or LaTosha ( Briggs with questions.



The New Testament has this wonderful ministry for the elders of a church - PRAYER.  And we'd like to offer it to anyone who is in need of healing (physical or otherwise) or who needs the power of God to be at work in their lives in a special way.  If you or anyone you know would like to take advantage of this ministry, contact Pastor Mark to set up a time after one of our Sunday services for the elders to pray over you.



Kickoff Sunday, October 23rd

Please stop and pick up a FREE shoebox (for the first 200 people). You can also use a plastic box or a regular shoebox from home. We also have ideas to help you decide what to send to your child. We have a pamphlet that tells you how to select your child by gender and age. Remember, you can also TRACK where your shoebox goes by paying the $7 shipping online and getting tracking info.

 These children are changed by the love of God they see through your gift selections. We encourage you to write a note to your child and select gifts carefully so that they inspire and surprise.  See Wendy Devereaux with questions.  Shoeboxes are due back to Hope by November 13th.


Calling ALL singers!! Christmas Choir is back!! It's time again to gather up and gauge the interest for our Adult Christmas Cantata (9th grade and up). The performance date will be Dec.11th for the both the 9 and 11 o'clock services and choir practice will be Wednesday nights starting at the end of October (definite date TBA). There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer and we need you to start signing up NOW!  The chorus books are here and in the front of the auditorium.  If you take a book, please be sure to sign your name and what part you will be singing.  See Dana Ott with questions.


Christmas will soon be upon us, and come November, HopeKids will be gearing up for another great year of celebrating Jesus' birth, through a musical program!  We need volunteers who are willing to help with all of the preparation including teaching the songs and script, supervising practices and putting the program together.  Please contact Matt Russell if you are interested. 




There are so many places to connect and serve here at Hope.  Keep your eyes on this section to be aware of all the different opportunities for you to effectively serve at Hope. There truly IS 'something for everyone' and we want to make it easy for you to know all the different options!



Our pantry is pretty well stocked with food items, however there are some things that we don't have!  We are looking for those personal hygiene items such as toilet paper, shampoo, body wash, toothpaste, toothbrushes, hairbrushes, etc.  These donations would be greatly appreciated by those families in need!  Thank you.



Would you like to help at church but don't have a lot of time? The KITCHEN TEAM is looking for a few people to help keep the kitchen neat and tidy. On your week, you can simply come a little early before Sunday service or stay a little later afterward. It'll only take about a half hour. We're hoping enough people will pitch in and you will only need to take a turn once a month or even less! Email Lauren Miller at or call 609-617-3763. 



Nursery 9:00        Sara Cartella, Anki Hill

Nursery 11:00      Melissa McGinness, Bethany Pineda, Ryan Winstel

Toddlers 9:00       Kim Haines, Leah Aureli, Katherine DellaRova

Toddlers 11:00     Kirsten Hoy, Kirsty Straub, Natalie Mariani
Pre K – K 9:00      Linda Landis, Libby LeBeau

Pre K – K 11:00    Karen & Amanda Merriell
1st & 2nd – 9:00     Nina & Joe Mattera

1st & 2nd – 11:00   Ann Schweigart, Debbie Davis

3rd - 5th   9:00      TBA

3rd – 5th   11:00    TBA

Ushers 9:00          Rick Ayusa

Ushers 11:00        Dan Rozinski

Wed. Nursery       TBA

Counters              LaTosha Briggs, Melissa McGinness

Greeters               Paul Hoffman

                             Donna Hoffman

                             Lisa Minner

                             Patti Tomasetti


If you have a prayer request, please fill out a prayer request card and drop it in the offering slot at the back of the church on Sunday or use the Contact Us Form on our website.  If you have any questions or would like to join the Prayer Team, please contact Bill Berry directly at



He is Lord,





Note: If you do not wish to continue receiving Hope Notes, simply reply to this email and I will remove your name from the list. Any correspondence for Hope Notes goes to Hopenotes Email.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Hope Notes 10/13/16


Dear Friends of Hope ~

Disclaimer:  If you will allow me to vent……..this will be the only time you'll hear me say anything about this! I don't know about you, but I simply cannot stand even one more minute of all the bad mouthing, name calling, and character assassinating that is going on with the upcoming election.  I just can't even bear to look at any more of it.  Enough already!  Candidates themselves aside……have we all gone mad?  We act as though whoever is elected will determine the fate of not only our country, but of ourselves.  Do we know remember Who is on the Throne?  That God is the one in control of all things?  He alone is sovereign.  His purpose will prevail; this president or that president cannot impede God's ultimate plan.  Have we forgotten what the Bible tells us about those in authority?  "Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God." (Romans 13:1)

I just want to stamp my feet like a little child (maybe even roll around on the floor kicking and screaming a little) and tell everyone to get a grip, pray for the candidates, do their part in voting, let the chips fall where they may and then trust God to handle the outcome.  End of rant.



Finding your Nineveh ~ A call to evangelize the lost through a look at the book of Jonah. 

Jim Jefferson does a lot of evangelizing through the Saints Prison Ministry, so who better to deliver a message on that very subject?!  We are privileged to have Jim come speak to us this Sunday, sharing what God has laid on his heart.  We will also be celebrating communion, which is always a meaningful time at Hope.  Make sure you are here to be a part of all this!



Did you know that Sunday's worship service is available on CD immediately following the service for FREE?  Pick up a copy for yourself or for anyone you would like to share Hope with.  Pastor Mark's messages are also available on our website,



8:40 – 8:45 for Both Services

The prayer huddle is open to anyone who would like to come pray - but it is specifically intended for those who are serving on that Sunday.  So if you're scheduled to be in kids' ministry, greeting, in the tech booth, on worship team, or any other ministry role for a given Sunday, join us at 8:40 sharp to pray together for God's power in each of us.  We can do all things through Christ, and nothing of worth without Him, so let's come together each Sunday to ask for God's Spirit to fill us and use us!



8:30 in Pastor Mark's Office
Do you have a heart for prayer? Our Sunday morning prayer time is open to everyone. We pray for the services that morning and for the needs in the church. If you would like to participate, just show up!  Questions?  See Bob Baumiester.  "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20





 Psalm 84:10

 "Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked."



7:00 pm

Join us as we dig into 1Corinthians and gain a deeper understanding of God's Word and its application to our daily lives.  Childcare is available.



7:30 in Youth Room

First and Third Monday of every month

Anyone who has graduated high school up to their early thirties is welcome.  Contact Dave or Leah Hallahan at  Childcare is provided.




Sunday, October 30 from 3:30 - 6:00pm

We're just a few weeks away from our 3rd Annual Trunk or Treat! Aside from decorating your car and handing out candy, we're inviting you to bring a sweet treat to share. You can sign up in the front foyer to bring cookies, brownies, donuts, Hawaiian punch and more! We want to be sure everyone who comes out - whether church family, friends, or neighborhood kids - gets to enjoy the warm welcome we are so used to here at Hope. More information will be coming soon regarding how to get your car registered for this super fun event!! See Dana Ott with any questions.



We are more than halfway through our kickoff month – if you haven't explored small group, now is the time! Our small groups are a great way to grow in your faith, share your life with others, and to see God work.  Each group has about 8-12 members that meet periodically (generally every other week) from October to April in someone's home.  The group discusses some spiritual topics, prays together, and shares some time in fellowship.  If you've been a part of a group before, you know how incredibly God uses them. And if you haven't, we encourage you to get in a group!  If you're already in a group, add some new members.  Or split your group and multiply by adding new members to each part of your group.


We want everyone to be a part of a small group! If you have a small group together, use a REGISTRATION FORM to list the when and where of your group as well as the people who are included.  Give that form to an elder or the pastor, or drop it in the offering slot. If your group needs some more members, post your partially filled group registration form on our 'Small Group" bulletin board so others can sign up for your group. 

If you're looking to get into a small group, we want to help you.  The Small Group bulletin board in the hallway at church has 'signups' for specific groups, plus a sheet that just says "put me in a group".  Of course, you're also welcome to form your own group by talking to a few people you know and coming up with a place and time to meet.  You don't have to figure out a topic, because we put out 'study sheets' every other week online and in the resource room that have questions you can discuss as a group.  If you need any help with small group, you can see any of our elders or pastors, especially Damon Briggs who coordinates this ministry for us.



Monday Evenings

Hope's first church bowling league! Open to men ages 16 and up.  Signup sheet is on the table in the lobby.  See Bruce Clark for more info.



Mondays at 7:00

Contact Mary Lebeau (316-6301/ for information.



Second Saturday of Every Month

8:00 – 9:30am

Come and join us for a delicious breakfast and a good time of fellowship/sharing with the men of Hope.  Feel free to bring a friend!  Open to men 18 and older.




Our middle school and high school groups meet at the church on Sundays from 6:30-8:30.  Come out for another amazing year as we grow closer together and closer to God!



Starting Oct 12th middle and high school Grow Groups will be meeting at the church from 7:00-8:15. We'll be starting a series called, 'Can I Really Ask That?' where we'll be looking at questions regarding doubt, hell, forgiveness, evil, sex, and more.





Go Zone is our Sunday Morning kid's service, planned especially for 1st - 5th graders.  Our goal is to encourage the kids to live with their focus on "GOing for GOD, GOing for GROWTH, and GOing FOREVER!" This service includes worship, games, and exploring important biblical truths in fun and creative ways before heading off to Sunday school.

Follow HopeKids! Ministries on Facebook at:



Christmas will soon be upon us, and come November, HopeKids will be gearing up for another great year of celebrating Jesus' birth, through a musical program!  We need volunteers who are willing to help with all of the preparation including teaching the songs and script, supervising practices and putting the program together.  Please contact Matt Russell if you are interested. 





Giving for the month of September averaged $8106 bringing our annual weekly giving average to $7529.  This remains above our current target of $7375 and allows us to continue saving towards our future building needs.  Thanks to all who faithfully sacrifice and give!  We'll keep working together as a church family to do all we can for God's kingdom.



October is Voting Month at Hope!  During this month, all partners are needed to vote for deacons and elder candidates.  Voting forms are available in the Resource Room. Please take one and vote for the partners that you believe would be good deacons or elders.  We need to grow our teams for the coming year and we need every partner to help us find the right people.  Please make sure that if you are a partner, you submit a voting form to Pastor Mark by October 30.



Looking for an opportunity to 'sing and make music unto the Lord'? If so, we would love to explore the possibility of finding a fit for you in the music ministry here at Hope. There are lots of places to serve besides our Sunday morning worship team such as Wednesday night Bible Study, Kid's Ministry in the GoZone, and even with our teens in Youth Group! If you are a gifted singer and/or instrumentalist, we want to invite you to come out for an informational meeting and audition on Thursday, Nov.10th at 7:00pm. There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer so you'll need to start there, then contact Dana Ott ( for more information or with any questions.



Calling ALL singers!! Christmas Choir is back!! It's time again to gather up and gauge the interest for our Adult Christmas Cantata (9th grade and up). The performance date will be Dec.11th for the both the 9 and 11 o'clock services and choir practice will be Wednesday nights starting at the end of October (definite date TBA). There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer and we need you to start signing up NOW! Please consider being involved and be looking for more information to follow!" 



We are asking if anyone knows of or has a room for rent for a single mature man.  Anything close to the Woodbury area would be perfect.  See Pastor Mark with any info or questions.  



Our directories have arrived!  Now you can finally place some of those elusive names with faces.  They will be on a table in the back of the auditorium; make sure you stop by and pick one up!  Please just one directory per family.


·         As hard as we try, errors still find their way into the directory.  If you have a correction that needs to be made, contact Lois Hartwell at (or simply hit 'reply' to the Hope Notes).  I will be compiling an addendum to reflect the changes.

·         A digital pdf copy is available to download to your mobile devices – contact Lois Hartwell if interested.



If God has laid it on your heart to give a little something extra for His kingdom, we have provided envelopes for you to do so!  These are not for your usual Sunday offering; they are for you to use if you'd like to give to a special project or ministry.  The envelopes are in a wall mounted bin next to our regular offering slot.



It's easy and convenient!  Simply go to our website at  and click Online Giving.  Text to Give coming in January. More information will follow.  Contact Damon ( or LaTosha ( Briggs with questions.



The New Testament has this wonderful ministry for the elders of a church - PRAYER.  And we'd like to offer it to anyone who is in need of healing (physical or otherwise) or who needs the power of God to be at work in their lives in a special way.  If you or anyone you know would like to take advantage of this ministry, contact Pastor Mark to set up a time after one of our Sunday services for the elders to pray over you.




There are so many places to connect and serve here at Hope.  Keep your eyes on this section to be aware of all the different opportunities for you to effectively serve at Hope. There truly IS 'something for everyone' and we want to make it easy for you to know all the different options!



Our pantry is pretty well stocked with food items, however there are some things that we don't have!  We are looking for those personal hygiene items such as toilet paper, shampoo, body wash, toothpaste, toothbrushes, hairbrushes, etc.  These donations would be greatly appreciated by those families in need!  Thank you.



Would you like to help at church but don't have a lot of time? The KITCHEN TEAM is looking for a few people to help keep the kitchen neat and tidy. On your week, you can simply come a little early before Sunday service or stay a little later afterward. It'll only take about a half hour. We're hoping enough people will pitch in and you will only need to take a turn once a month or even less! Email Lauren Miller at or call 609-617-3763. 



If you have a heart to serve the 3-5 year olds, we are in need of a teacher for Wednesday nights, starting in October! 

We are also looking for volunteers to help with the 1st-5th graders, for HopeKids Hangout! We are looking forward to having a fantastic HopeKids fall semester! Come out and volunteer, so we can invest in our children's ministry and plant the seeds of Jesus' love in each child's heart! 

Please contact Matt Russell for information at



Do you enjoy the announcements that play up front on our screens?  Or how about being able to see the words to our worship songs?  That's our Media Team's doing!  They could use some volunteers.  They will gladly teach you exactly what you need to know………..they promise it's not hard!  Contact Rick Mounce ( if you are interested, or just see one of the guys up in the sound booth!



Looking for volunteers to do a basic check of our building before each service.  This includes checking the auditorium for trash, looking for lights that may be out, making sure restrooms are clean and stocked, etc.  After each service trash needs to be removed from the building.  This is done on a rotating schedule; each person only needs to be available one or two Sundays per quarter.  See Ken Blythe if you are interested or email him at



We are in the beginning stages of establishing a Security Team here at Hope in the (unlikely) event of an emergency situation taking place during the service.  We want to be proactive and have people and a system set in place so that we are prepared to handle whatever circumstance may arise.  If you are a 'First Responder' (police, security, EMT, doctor, nurse, etc.) and are interested in being a part of this team, please sign up on the sheet in the lobby.  Informational meeting October 23rd after the second service.  See Mike Hartwell with any questions.



Our elementary age Sunday School classes are looking for both teachers and helpers to serve. Please contact Matt Russell for more information.



Nursery 9:00        Dave & Leah Hallahan

Nursery 11:00      Don & Alicia Heverly

Toddlers 9:00       Kim Haines, Leah Aureli, Katherine DellaRova

Toddlers 11:00     Rebecca & John Jacob, Natalie Mariani
Pre K – K 9:00      Linda Landis, Libby LeBeau

Pre K – K 11:00    Jennifer, Samantha, & Ryan Edwards
1st & 2nd – 9:00     Nina & Joe Mattera

1st & 2nd – 11:00   Ann Schweigart, Debbie Davis

3rd - 5th   9:00      TBA

3rd – 5th   11:00    TBA

Ushers 9:00          Mike Hartwell

Ushers 11:00        Joe Sambucci

Wed. Nursery       TBA

Counters              LaTosha Briggs, Melissa McGinness

Greeters               Paul Hoffman

                             Donna Hoffman

                             Lisa Minner

                             Patti Tomasetti


If you have a prayer request, please fill out a prayer request card and drop it in the offering slot at the back of the church on Sunday or use the Contact Us Form on our website.  If you have any questions or would like to join the Prayer Team, please contact Bill Berry directly at



He is Lord,





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