Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Dana's Father

Dear Friends of Hope ~

Many of you already know that Dana's dad (Burnice 'Bernie' Kemp) passed away peacefully this past Tuesday.  While this is a time of great sadness for all of Bernie's family, we know that they can grieve with Hope because of the certainty we as believers have that we will once again see our loved ones in heaven.  It is a bittersweet time - there is sorrow for the loss they all feel here on earth, yet there is joy in knowing Bernie has been 'made new' and he will be celebrating Christmas with the Lord Himself!    

Services will be held this Saturday, December 23rd at Hope. Visitation is from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm.  Memorial service directly following.  Interment will be private.  I have included a link below for more information.

Thank you,

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Just a little reminder that the deadline for contributing to our Pastor & Staff's Christmas gift is coming up Wednesday, December 20th.  Remember, you are not obligated to give!!  Your prayers are always deeply appreciated.  PLEASE DO NOT HIT REPLY FOR THIS EMAIL.  If you have any questions, you may contact Damon Briggs at (856)-881-0299 or  Thank you!

Dear Partners & Faithful Attendees of Hope Christian Fellowship,


With the holidays fast approaching, we want to remember Pastor Mark and Hope staff and give them a gift to show our love and appreciation for all that they do for our ministry.  To do so, we are taking a special collection to present to Pastor Mark and Dana on Sunday, December 24th. 


If you would like to contribute, please do one of the following:

3)      Write a check to Hope Christian Fellowship and write "Pastor's gift" in the memo section, or  

4)      Place a cash gift in an envelope (we'll try to have some available in the resource room) and write "Pastor's gift" on the outside

...and then, please drop your gift in the offering box or give it directly to Damon Briggs or Kathy Berry.    


Please don't feel obligated to give any specific amount or to even give at all.  This is just our special way to show Pastor Mark and the staff our affection and deep gratitude for their faithfulness and sacrifice during this joyous season.   So, just give as you feel led or are able.


We must receive all gifts no later than Wednesday, December 20th.  If you have any questions, please contact Damon Briggs at (856) 881-0299 or by email at


Thank you so much and God bless!