Friday, July 27, 2018

This Sunday!!!

Hey Hopers!


Just a quick note because we have a huge weekend coming up!  This week of VBS has been amazing with over 160 kids registered between the morning and night sessions, and more workers than I can count.  I believe this has been a week of harvest for our church as we share the love of Jesus with these precious young souls.  But our work is not done – and there is a great kingdom of God opportunity for all of us this Sunday.


First of all, the services will be a CLOSING PROGRAM for VBS, so we're praying for many families to be visiting with us on Sunday.  Let's pray for that, especially as I share the gospel. And let's be ready as a church family to welcome and host all of these folks.


Second, our picnic is Sunday night. We planned that strategically so that we can invite all of these VBS families back for a night of fun with us.  That means we'll need lots of help.  I can think of THREE WAYS you can help, so I wanted to get this on everyone's radar before we get to Sunday.  Help where and when you can – even if it is just for a half hour – every extra set of hands helps.


After our 11 am service, we'll be taking down the VBS decorations.  Our VBS team will be there to give direction on what to do, but we can make their job so much easier if we have people to lend a hand.  Plus, they've been pouring out ministry all week, so I'd love to lighten their load if we can.


Also after the 11 am service, the deacons on our building team will be leading the effort to set up for the picnic.  We have folding chairs and tables to set up as well as a grill, some tables for serving food and drinks, and some trash cans.  There's a lot to do, so if we can also have lot of us stick around to help, it would really help us be set for Sunday night.


Finally, after the picnic, as it starts to get dark, we have to clean up the picnic.  We'll be putting away the tables and chairs and even the tents if we have enough help.  This will go quickly, but if I can have our Hopers ready for this flurry of activity, I think it will make it go smoothly.


I deeply believe the Lord is powerfully at work this week and that He will be inviting many to put their trust in Him this Sunday.  Let's do this together as a church family and find every way possible to help one another.  Won't it be amazing to see who is in heaven because of what God did through Hope this week and this Sunday!


Pastor Mark


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