Thursday, January 28, 2016

Hope Notes 1/28/16


Dear Friends of Hope ~

Such a blessing to find that devotion from Pastor Mark nestled amongst all the other emails in my inbox Sunday morning!  We are so fortunate to have a pastor care so much for his flock that he takes the time to give us our own little 'mini message' when church had to be canceled due to the snow.  I really miss church whenever I am unable to go.  Years and years ago, when I was first saved, every Sunday morning the question of whether or not we 'wanted' to go to church was asked.  Somewhere along the way, I guess the Spirit convicted us or we simply grew in our understanding of the importance of regular church attendance, or we felt the presence of our Lord there at church so strongly that we stopped asking that question.  I couldn't tell you for sure how or when it happened, but it did.  That was many moons ago, and for these past eleven years that we have been at Hope, Sunday morning church is definitely not a chore; it's a privilege.  We get to worship our God publicly unlike many other countries.  We have an awesome worship team and a wonderful teacher/pastor.  On the rare occasion when we have to miss church, I feel so disconnected.  My week just isn't the same without it.  So, reading that devotion and listening to worship songs started my week off on the right foot. It also served as a reminder of how much church means to me and how I shouldn't take for granted being able to attend every week.  No, reading the devotion at home, safely tucked inside while the blizzard did its thing outside, wasn't the same as physically being together with everyone.  But it sure beat having Sunday be 'just another day'!



1/24 – Being God's Answer (Esther 4:1-14)

Job Fair

You probably know the feeling in those dark moments when you are pleading with God to do something about the crisis or the hardship you are facing.  It can feel like God is uncaring or cruel when no answer seems to be forthcoming.  But what if God has already answered?  What if the answer is a person God has prepared for this moment – maybe even you!  We're going to look at that exact scenario in Esther.  The stakes could not have been higher and the danger could not have been more real.  But what becomes apparent is that Esther has become queen specifically for this moment and to face this situation.  Will we allow God to make us His answer to the needs around us?



Did you know that Sunday's worship service is available on CD immediately following the service for FREE?  Pick up a copy for yourself or for anyone you would like to share Hope with.  Pastor Mark's messages are also available on our website,



8:40 – 8:45 for Both Services

The prayer huddle is open to anyone who would like to come pray - but it is specifically intended for those who are serving on that Sunday.  So if you're scheduled to be in kids' ministry, greeting, in the tech booth, on worship team, or any other ministry role for a given Sunday, join us at 8:40 sharp to pray together for God's power in each of us.  We can do all things through Christ, and nothing of worth without Him, so let's come together each Sunday to ask for God's Spirit to fill us and use us!



8:30 – Prayer Room
Do you have a heart for prayer? Our Sunday morning prayer time is open to everyone. We pray for the services that morning and for the needs in the church. If you would like to participate, just show up!  Questions?  See Bob Baumiester.  "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20





James 4:11  

"Brothers and sisters, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against a brother or sister or judges them speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it."



7:00 pm

We're starting a 5-6 week study on what the Bible has to say about the end of the world.  We'll be looking at books like Revelation and Daniel as well as many other passages in the Bible. Our topics will include the tribulation, the rapture, heaven and hell, the Second Coming, as well as Jesus' rule on earth as King.  Since there are so many different ideas about what the Bible says, we'll try to talk them through a little.  This won't be a comprehensive study for experts; instead it will be more of a survey for everyone which can give you the ability to dig deeper into study for yourself!



7:30 in Youth Room

First and Third Monday of every month

Anyone who has graduated high school up to their early thirties is welcome. See Pastor Mark or Dana for more information. Childcare is provided.




Sunday, January 31st from 3:00 – 5:00 pm

Meet us at the Brunswick Zone in Deptford for a fabulous time of fellowship!  You don't even have to bowl – we need lots of cheerleaders (and even a few hecklers) to join in the fun! Just $5.00 per person covers the shoe rental and two full hours of bowling. Of course, there's no charge to you if you're just hanging out with us!  We usually pack the place out, so be sure to put your name on the signup sheet in the lobby.  You don't want to miss this!



Small Groups are a fantastic way to connect on a more intimate level with the body of Hope.  It's never too late to join a group, or even to start up a new one!  Check out our Small Group Bulletin Board next to the Prayer Room.  More details on Hope's small groups can be found on the yellow info sheets in the Resource Room. Study sheets can be picked up in the Resource Room or downloaded directly from our website. See Damon Briggs with any questions or contact him at



Mondays at 7:00

The Bible tells us we are wonderfully made - but why do our emotions seem so complicated? That's what we'll be talking about as we resume meeting this Monday.  We will begin studying Patsy Clairmont's book, "I Second That Emotion." Join us as we learn what makes us tick, and how God

wants us to respond to the crazy emotions we all share. Signup sheets are in the lobby, or contact Mary Lebeau (316-6301/ for information.



Second Saturday of Every Month

8:00 – 9:30am

Come and join us for a delicious breakfast and a good time of fellowship/sharing with the men of Hope.  Feel free to bring a friend!  Open to men 18 and older. See Steve Jones with any questions.



Friday, February 19th @ 7:30pm

If you are new to Hope, or maybe you missed our last fellowship back in June, you'll want to mark your calendars now for this event!  Bring your family and come enjoy some coffee and dessert with us.  We want to get to know you better and it's kind of hard on a busy Sunday morning!  Please sign up on the signup sheet located in the lobby so that we know how many to prepare for.  See you there!



Wednesday, March 2nd @ 7:00 pm

Looking forward to our Spring Café, and not just because 'spring' is in the name!  This is always a great night of fellowship – watching performances, snacking on good food, and just enjoying each other's company.  We'll need performers and people to sign up to bring a snack or dessert.  Look for signup sheets in the lobby soon!





Our middle school and high school groups meet at the church on Sundays from 6:30-8:30 all year long! Come out for another amazing year as we grow closer together and closer to God!



July 2016

Hope Christian Fellowship is sending a team to Uganda to work alongside the Josh & Kelly Hallahan this July!  Dave Hallahan, Jim Jefferson, Anne Jefferson, Jess St.Petery and Patti Tomasetti will be raising funds over the next several months before heading to Uganda from July 8-22. The cost is about $3,200-4,000 per person. There will be several fundraisers coming your way over the next couple of months. In the meantime, the team would appreciate your prayers!  If you would like to and are able to donate to their trip you can do so by visiting their GoFundMe page: If you have any questions see any of the team members!





Go Zone is our Sunday Morning kid's service, planned especially for 1st - 5th graders.  Our goal is to encourage the kids to live with their focus on "GOing for GOD, GOing for GROWTH, and GOing FOREVER!" This service includes worship, games, and exploring important biblical truths in fun and creative ways before heading off to Sunday school.

Follow HopeKids! Ministries on Facebook at:




Wednesday, March 9th @ 7:00 pm

Pastor Mark will be having two classes at his house on February 22nd and 29th (both Mondays) for anyone interested in being baptized.  Classes last about an hour.  You need to plan on being at both classes if you intend on getting baptized. There is a signup sheet in the lobby; Pastor Mark also has a book and an information sheet for each person. 



January 31st

If anyone is looking for a place to serve at Hope, you can see anyone on any of our deacon teams (posted on the Sound Booth) or you can talk to anyone who is currently serving in the ministry you are interested in.  Additionally, if you are interested in launching a new ministry, you can speak to any of our elders and give them a brief description of your idea so that it can be considered and coordinated.  We will be having a January Job Fair, which will make it super easy for you to find a place to serve.  Please be in prayer about where God would lead you to serve!



Sometimes, God lays it on our heart to give a little extra for His kingdom.  He may have provided the financial means for it or just the nudge in our hearts.  In order to help make this easier for you as the

giver and Hope as the receiver, we have some envelopes in a wall mounted bin next to our regular offering slot.  If you'd like to give to a special project or ministry, just use one of these envelope and check off the correct category.  Please note that these envelopes are not for your usual Sunday offering. 



It's easy and convenient!  Simply go to our website and click 'Online Giving'.  You have the options to set up recurring donations (like automatic bill pay), or give one time donations as well.  The amount and frequency are up to you.  This will allow many of us to be intentional and faithful in our support of Hope.  Contact Damon or LaTosha Briggs with any questions.



Tuesdays at 7:00 pm

Are you ready to let go of strongholds?  Have you tried and tried on your own with no success?

Hope for Recovery is a Christian based, 12-step approach for those struggling with addictions of any kind.  The group is a safe and confidential place for men and women to find strength and HOPE through sharing and fellowship.  We meet in the 1st/2nd grade classroom.  Enter through the rear doors. Contact with any questions.



The New Testament has this wonderful ministry for the elders of a church - PRAYER.  And we'd like to offer it to anyone who is in need of healing (physical or otherwise) or who needs the power of God to be at work in their lives in a special way.  If you or anyone you know would like to take advantage of this ministry, contact Pastor Mark to set up a time after one of our Sunday services for the elders to pray over you.





There are so many places to connect and serve here at Hope.  Keep your eyes on this section to be aware of all the different opportunities for you to effectively serve at Hope. There truly IS 'something for everyone' and we want to make it easy for you to know all the different options!  Special Note:  We will be hosting a 'Job Fair' on January 24th which will make it super easy for you to find a place to connect and serve!



Nursery 9:00                Sara Cartella, Anki Hill        

Nursery 11:00               Leah Hallahan, Lauren Czyzewski

Toddlers 9:00               Amy & Brooke Mariner, Katherine DellaRova

Toddlers 11:00             Jenna Gaventa, Kara Ott, Natalie Mariani
Pre K – K 9:00              Linda Landis, Libby LeBeau

Pre K – K 11:00            Lauren DellaRova, Prisca Ogunkanmi
1st & 2nd – 9:00            Rich & Patty Bunnell

1st & 2nd – 11:00          Lisa Fiorile & Charlotte Zediker

3rd - 5th   9:00              Mary LeBeau, Nance Reeves

3rd – 5th   11:00            Anne & Jim Jefferson

Ushers 9:00                   Mike Hartwell

Ushers 11:00                Don Frazeur

Counters                       TBD

Greeters                       Melissa McGinness

                                     Sharon Sambucci

                                     Katrina Mariani

                                     Greg Corrado


If you have a prayer request, please fill out a prayer request card and drop it in the offering slot at the back of the church on Sunday or use the Contact Us Form on our website.  If you have any questions or would like to join the Prayer Team, please contact Bill Berry directly at



Thankful for Hope,





Note: If you do not wish to continue receiving Hope Notes, simply reply to this email and I will remove your name from the list. Any correspondence for Hope Notes goes to Hopenotes Email.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

January 24th Devotional

Good Morning everyone.  We will sorely miss being together this morning. This reminds us about how wonderful it is to worship and study God's Word together.  I thought that I'd write down a few thoughts and share a Scripture or two as some 'snowed in' food for the morning.


And if you are missing the music this morning, there's actually a way you can hear the songs we were going to sing this morning!  If you are on Spotify (or sign up for the free service), you can follow our church account (hcfmusic). There is a playlist of today's five songs listed with today's date. In fact, Dana puts this together every week, so you can listen to the past Sunday's music all week if you like.  The recordings are by the original artists, but it is the closest we can get to having our worship time together today.


And if you have some time on a quiet day, I have a few thoughts I wrote down yesterday:





Storms and Fear


Dustin and I just got in from doing what probably many of you have been doing - about 2 hours of shoveling and snow-blowing.  It made me think about storms.  We have watched the forecast all week, so we knew this was coming, but we didn't know exactly what it would be like.  Turns out, this storm has pretty wet snow, so it makes the cleanup a bit more challenging.  I'm pretty sure I'm going to be very sore in the morning!


Of course, we face storms in our lives all the time – MOST of them aren't about the weather.  Just like a coming snow storm, we may have an idea that something is coming, or we may be caught off-guard. We face storms in our school, in our work, in our marriages, in our friendships, in our parenting.  Unexpected storms show up in our finances, in our health, and even just in the way we 'feel'. Like the current storm, we know from experience that these storms can cause major damage and it can take a long time with lots of work to recover from them.


Where are the storms in your life?  What is keeping you occupied?  And maybe most importantly, what kind of effect is it having on your spiritual life?  Is your connection with the Lord getting deeper and stronger, or is it bringing up huge questions for you in your faith?  Are you feeling further away from Him than ever before, or closer to Him?


Sometimes, the storms are of our own making.  We act in anger or impatience and create damage that can seem unrecoverable.  Other times, storms spring up in our lives without any warning or any help from us.  But either way, they can be overwhelming and damaging. When we are painfully aware of this reality, we start to react to storms (or even the threat of a storm) with some panic and fear.


There is a story in Mark 4 where Jesus leads His disciples into a storm.  They react like we would.  It reads like this:


35 That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, "Let us go over to the other side." 36 Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. 37 A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. 38 Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?"

39 He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet! Be still!" Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.

40 He said to his disciples, "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?"

41 They were terrified and asked each other, "Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!"


Did you notice that Jesus led them right into the storm?  And then fell asleep.  You can imagine how quickly they connected these two actions and thought that Jesus didn't care.  But please also notice that Jesus didn't leave them ALONE in the storm – He was right there with them in the middle of it.  He has the power to calm the storm with just a single command. 


So what can we learn from this?  The end of the story with Jesus will always bring the end of your storm.  It probably won't end before you ask the question about whether or not He cares.  And you'll probably have plenty of time to panic.  It will most likely look like the boat is going to be swamped.  But Jesus always brings storms to an end.  It is the hallmark promise of eternal life – no matter how damaging or severe our storms are in this life, they are but a moment compared to the hope we have in Jesus.  And He is with us right in the middle of our storm.  Never let the storm make you forget how much Jesus cares about you.


There's one more thought I have in this.  When the storm has raged on and doesn't seem close to an end, there is another great truth in the Bible.  Jesus gives us what we need in the storm.  Think about it. Many look forward to snow storms like this – not because they aren't dangerous or because they never cause damage.  But for those people, when they think of the storm, they think of being safe and warm at home with nothing to do but enjoy the view and the quietness.  Their mindset defines their outlook on the arrival and duration of the storm, and they ENJOY what others DREAD.  Same storm, same threat, same challenges, but these people have a sense of safety while the storm rages on. This is a perfect picture of refuge!  The Psalms use this word over and over again talking about how we can run to God in the storms. 


For example, Psalm 18:2 says, "The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold."


Many other Bible authors pick up this theme.  Men like Isaiah who says in chapter 40, verse 11, "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."


It occurs to me that God never expected us to not feel fear when the storms of life come. But He does invite us to believe in our shelter.  We don't need the storm to stop to feel safe.  We just need to be convinced that God is our refuge and strength.  It's very much like those who feel cozy and warm in their homes with the storm outside.  There will be damage, delay, inconvenience, and even a lot of work to make up for the storm.  But we can enjoy the warmth of knowing God as our refuge and shelter in the storm.  If you've ever experienced it, you know it is an awesome thing.


Let me close with this… over the past week, I've been doing a lot of thinking about fear and faith. What I've found is that I tend to live 'in fear' whenever I allow the questions to fill up my mind.  Basically what I mean is that I don't have to feel like I'm doubting or afraid to let fear run my experience.  If I let the questions dominate my thought patterns – even legitimate questions – then fear starts to direct the way I react, the way I speak, and the way I think. But if I recognize the trap of allowing those thoughts to be the main discussion in my head, I can choose to shift my focus from the storm to the One who is my confidence, my rock, my fortress.  And the freedom that comes from that is a blessing beyond words.



Prayer: Lord, help us to rest in you no matter what storm we're facing.  Let us hear your voice and know your presence in the times when we face our biggest battles with fear and panic. Remind us of how you've walked with us through the dark times in our past, and refresh your promises in our soul.  Give us the faith we need to find peace knowing you are our refuge.

January 24th Services Cancelled

Hey Hopers!


Well, we held out as long as we thought we could, but we're going to cancel services for tomorrow.  That means we will be holding our job fair NEXT Sunday (January 31st) as well as our bowling event (time changed to 3-5 pm).


While it seems that the storm may end earlier than at first anticipated, there are a few factors that played into this decision.  First, the sheer volume of snow makes it a monumental task to clear out our own lot.  Plus, we are situated in a neighborhood, so it make take a little while for those streets to get plowed.  In addition, there are significant winds which will tend to re-cover roads with snow.  And the temperatures are forecast to be quite low overnight, meaning there will probably be a lot of ice on the roads, plowed or not.  With all that considered, we believe it is better to cancel all our services for Sunday.


Next Sunday, we'll pick up our story in Esther and talk about "Being God's Answer".  If you can't wait till then, join us Wednesday night as we continue our study on the End of the World. (Don't forget your donations for Camden Outreach for Wednesday night.)  Of course, the kids have tons of fun stuff planned too, so don't let them miss out!


I am planning to send out a devotional thought late tonight via Hope Notes so that you can spend a little time with the Lord tomorrow morning!


Be safe… stay warm… help others… and we'll see you all soon

Pastor Mark

Friday, January 22, 2016


Dear Friends of Hope ~

We are still pending on our decision for the Sunday service - we will send out an announcement via Hope Notes and social media once we make a call on that.  However, we had to make a call today on the bowling event and we have made the decision to postpone it to the following Sunday (Jan 31st). This means that we need to change the time of the event: it will now be from 3-5 pm.  All other details remain the same.

Please let us know if this change affects your ability to come; just hit 'reply' and give us your name so that we can take you off the list.   We need to update our headcount to the bowling alley.  We are so sorry if this change means you will not be able to join us! Trusting that God will still give us a packed bowling alley and lots of fun no matter what!

Thank you,


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Hope Notes 1/21/16


Dear Friends of Hope ~

If you listen to K-LOVE Christian radio, I'm sure you've been hearing them talk about the "Thirty Days of Christian Music" challenge.  I'd love to hop on that bandwagon, but for me it wouldn't BE a challenge.  That's really all I listen to.  I will confess my love of Taylor Swift, but aside from that I can't be bothered with secular music.  I don't have anything against it; it's just that the lyrics don't do much of anything for me.  Words penned from a heart seeking after God, or taken straight from His Word fill my soul and truly connect me to the One I want to be connected to. I love stumbling across a lyric from a favorite song in Scripture, especially when I didn't know that's where it came from!  Christian songs can encourage, inspire, comfort, and move me like no secular song ever has.  That's not to say that I can't appreciate the musicality of secular music; there are many beautiful songs out there.  The words just leave me kind of empty.  And if I'm going to listen to music, I'd rather be listening to something that enriches my spirit and makes me feel closer to Him!



1/24 – Being God's Answer (Esther 4:1-14)

Job Fair

You probably know the feeling in those dark moments when you are pleading with God to do something about the crisis or the hardship you are facing.  It can feel like God is uncaring or cruel when no answer seems to be forthcoming.  But what if God has already answered?  What if the answer is a person God has prepared for this moment – maybe even you!  We're going to look at that exact scenario in Esther.  The stakes could not have been higher and the danger could not have been more real.  But what becomes apparent is that Esther has become queen specifically for this moment and to face this situation.  Will we allow God to make us His answer to the needs around us?



Did you know that Sunday's worship service is available on CD immediately following the service for FREE?  Pick up a copy for yourself or for anyone you would like to share Hope with.  Pastor Mark's messages are also available on our website,



8:40 – 8:45 for Both Services

The prayer huddle is open to anyone who would like to come pray - but it is specifically intended for those who are serving on that Sunday.  So if you're scheduled to be in kids' ministry, greeting, in the tech booth, on worship team, or any other ministry role for a given Sunday, join us at 8:40 sharp to pray together for God's power in each of us.  We can do all things through Christ, and nothing of worth without Him, so let's come together each Sunday to ask for God's Spirit to fill us and use us!



8:30 – Prayer Room
Do you have a heart for prayer? Our Sunday morning prayer time is open to everyone. We pray for the services that morning and for the needs in the church. If you would like to participate, just show up!  Questions?  See Bob Baumiester.  "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20





James 4:11  

"Brothers and sisters, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against a brother or sister or judges them speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it."



7:00 pm

We're starting a 5-6 week study on what the Bible has to say about the end of the world.  We'll be looking at books like Revelation and Daniel as well as many other passages in the Bible. Our topics will include the tribulation, the rapture, heaven and hell, the Second Coming, as well as Jesus' rule on earth as King.  Since there are so many different ideas about what the Bible says, we'll try to talk them through a little.  This won't be a comprehensive study for experts; instead it will be more of a survey for everyone which can give you the ability to dig deeper into study for yourself!



7:30 in Youth Room

First and Third Monday of every month

Anyone who has graduated high school up to their early thirties is welcome. See Pastor Mark or Dana for more information. Childcare is provided.




Sunday, January 24th 5:00-7:00 pm

Meet us at the Brunswick Zone in Deptford for a fabulous time of fellowship!  You don't even have to bowl – we need lots of cheerleaders (and even a few hecklers) to join in the fun! Just $5.00 per person covers the shoe rental and two full hours of bowling. Of course, there's no charge to you if you're just hanging out with us!  We usually pack the place out, so be sure to put your name on the signup sheet in the lobby.  You don't want to miss this!



Small Groups are a fantastic way to connect on a more intimate level with the body of Hope.  It's never too late to join a group, or even to start up a new one!  Check out our Small Group Bulletin Board next to the Prayer Room.  More details on Hope's small groups can be found on the yellow info sheets in the Resource Room. Study sheets can be picked up in the Resource Room or downloaded directly from our website. See Damon Briggs with any questions or contact him at



Mondays at 7:00

The Bible tells us we are wonderfully made - but why do our emotions seem so complicated? That's what we'll be talking about as we resume meeting this Monday.  We will begin studying Patsy Clairmont's book, "I Second That Emotion." Join us as we learn what makes us tick, and how God

wants us to respond to the crazy emotions we all share. Signup sheets are in the lobby, or contact Mary Lebeau (316-6301/ for information.



Second Saturday of Every Month

8:00 – 9:30am

Come and join us for a delicious breakfast and a good time of fellowship/sharing with the men of Hope.  Feel free to bring a friend!  Open to men 18 and older. See Steve Jones with any questions.



February 19, 2016 @ 7:00pm

If you are new to Hope, or maybe you missed our last fellowship back in June, you'll want to mark your calendars now for this event!  Bring your family and come enjoy some coffee and dessert with us.  We want to get to know you better and it's kind of hard on a busy Sunday morning!  Please sign up on the signup sheet located in the lobby so that we know how many to prepare for.  See you there!




Our middle school and high school groups meet at the church on Sundays from 6:30-8:30 all year long! Come out for another amazing year as we grow closer together and closer to God!



This July, Hope Christian Fellowship will be sending a team to Uganda to work alongside the Hallahans! Dave Hallahan, Jim Jefferson, Anne Jefferson, Jess St.Petery and Patti Tomasetti will be raising funds over the next several months before heading to Uganda from July 8-22. The cost is about $3,200-4,000 per person. There will be several fundraisers coming your way over the next couple of months. In the meantime, the team would appreciate your prayers!  If you would like to and are able to donate to their trip you can do so by visiting their GoFundMe page: If you have any questions see any of the team members!





Go Zone is our Sunday Morning kid's service, planned especially for 1st - 5th graders.  Our goal is to encourage the kids to live with their focus on "GOing for GOD, GOing for GROWTH, and GOing FOREVER!" This service includes worship, games, and exploring important biblical truths in fun and creative ways before heading off to Sunday school.

Follow HopeKids! Ministries on Facebook at:




January 31st

Our Young Adults take bagged lunches to the homeless in Camden in those months that have a fifth Saturday.  You can help them by bringing in items to help them make the lunches.  There is a signup sheet in the lobby showing what is needed.  Please have all items into the kitchen by Wednesday, January 27th.



We will be having a baptism service on March 9th.  Pastor Mark will hold classes in February for those who wish to be baptized.  Details coming soon………



February 12-14, 2016

Time is running out for this special deal!

Family life is running a 'Buy One Get One Free' registration!  This offer will be available from January 4th – 25th, 2016.  Everyone who registers during this time frame with our group name (HopeWoodbury) will receive TWO regular priced registrations for the price of one!  Go to for more information.



January 24th

If anyone is looking for a place to serve at Hope, you can see anyone on any of our deacon teams (posted on the Sound Booth) or you can talk to anyone who is currently serving in the ministry you are interested in.  Additionally, if you are interested in launching a new ministry, you can speak to any of our elders and give them a brief description of your idea so that it can be considered and coordinated.  We will be having a January Job Fair, which will make it super easy for you to find a place to serve.  Please be in prayer about where God would lead you to serve!



Sometimes, God lays it on our heart to give a little extra for His kingdom.  He may have provided the financial means for it or just the nudge in our hearts.  In order to help make this easier for you as the

giver and Hope as the receiver, we have some envelopes in a wall mounted bin next to our regular offering slot.  If you'd like to give to a special project or ministry, just use one of these envelope and check off the correct category.  Please note that these envelopes are not for your usual Sunday offering. 



It's easy and convenient!  Simply go to our website and click 'Online Giving'.  You have the options to set up recurring donations (like automatic bill pay), or give one time donations as well.  The amount and frequency are up to you.  This will allow many of us to be intentional and faithful in our support of Hope.  Contact Damon or LaTosha Briggs with any questions.



Tuesdays at 7:00 pm

Are you ready to let go of strongholds?  Have you tried and tried on your own with no success?

Hope for Recovery is a Christian based, 12-step approach for those struggling with addictions of any kind.  The group is a safe and confidential place for men and women to find strength and HOPE through sharing and fellowship.  We meet in the 1st/2nd grade classroom.  Enter through the rear doors. Contact with any questions.



The New Testament has this wonderful ministry for the elders of a church - PRAYER.  And we'd like to offer it to anyone who is in need of healing (physical or otherwise) or who needs the power of God to be at work in their lives in a special way.  If you or anyone you know would like to take advantage of this ministry, contact Pastor Mark to set up a time after one of our Sunday services for the elders to pray over you.




There are so many places to connect and serve here at Hope.  Keep your eyes on this section to be aware of all the different opportunities for you to effectively serve at Hope. There truly IS 'something for everyone' and we want to make it easy for you to know all the different options!  Special Note:  We will be hosting a 'Job Fair' on January 24th which will make it super easy for you to find a place to connect and serve!



Nursery 9:00                 Amy Fleck, Gail Birney, & Katherine        

Nursery 11:00               Melissa McGinness, Bethany Pineada

Toddlers 9:00               Amy & Brooke Mariner, Katherine DellaRova

Toddlers 11:00             Jenna Gaventa, Kara Ott, Natalie Mariani
Pre K – K 9:00              Linda Landis, Libby LeBeau

Pre K – K 11:00            Lauren DellaRova, Prisca Ogunkanmi
1st & 2nd – 9:00            Lisa Fiorile, Charlotte Zediker

1st & 2nd – 11:00          Kelly Louis, Lucy Muhlbaier

3rd - 5th   9:00              Mary LeBeau, Nance Reeves

3rd – 5th   11:00            Anne & Jim Jefferson

Ushers 9:00                   Bob Baumiester

Ushers 11:00                Brad Hopkins

Counters                       TBD

Greeters                       Melissa McGinness

                                     Sharon Sambucci

                                     Katrina Mariani

                                     Greg Corrado


If you have a prayer request, please fill out a prayer request card and drop it in the offering slot at the back of the church on Sunday or use the Contact Us Form on our website.  If you have any questions or would like to join the Prayer Team, please contact Bill Berry directly at



Changed for Eternity,





Note: If you do not wish to continue receiving Hope Notes, simply reply to this email and I will remove your name from the list. Any correspondence for Hope Notes goes to Hopenotes Email.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Hope Notes 1/14/16


Dear Friends of Hope ~

My friends and family tease me because (according to them), I have strange eating habits. My husband jokes that I would use a pill splitter to cut an m&m in half.  They think it's funny that I shrug off eating something by saying "I'm not hungry". They say, "But who has to be hungry to eat a cookie??!!"  My daughter nags me because I don't drink enough water.  I know I should, but it makes me feel full.  And I don't LIKE to feel full!  I am always a little relieved when I start to get hungry because that means I will enjoy eating whatever the next meal is.  So maybe by the world's standards, I am a little odd.  But if you apply my rationale to God's Word………..hey well then I'm right on track!  We should never feel 'full' from God's Word.  We should desire to be hungry for it – never so full that we don't want any more of it.  We should feel a quickening of joy in our spirits when we think about digging into His Word.  "Oh good! I'm hungry; I know I will enjoy being nourished through Scripture!"  "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied." (Matthew 5:6)  As I read this verse, I realize that 'satisfied' is how I want to feel.  Not overstuffed and sluggish and feeling like I never want to indulge again.  I like to stop eating when I feel 'just right' – not stuffed!  God's Word will never make you feel stuffed; in fact, reading it makes you hungry for more!  So go ahead and indulge in God's Word.  Take in as much of it as you like; you can't ever 'eat' too much!



1/17 – When People Hate You (Esther 3)

Being hated is an awful experience, one which most people try to avoid at all costs. It is bad enough if you've done something wrong and someone won't forgive you or let you make things right.  But if you've done nothing wrong and in fact are hated for simply doing what is right before the Lord, it can feel like a deeper betrayal.  We all believe that doing the right thing should pay off, and when it doesn't, it hurts. Esther's cousin, Mordecai, becomes the object of hatred by a powerful man, and that hatred spills over to all the Jews.  What can we learn from this story about dealing with people who don't like us?



Did you know that Sunday's worship service is available on CD immediately following the service for FREE?  Pick up a copy for yourself or for anyone you would like to share Hope with.  Pastor Mark's messages are also available on our website,



8:40 – 8:45 for Both Services

The prayer huddle is open to anyone who would like to come pray - but it is specifically intended for those who are serving on that Sunday.  So if you're scheduled to be in kids' ministry, greeting, in the tech booth, on worship team, or any other ministry role for a given Sunday, join us at 8:40 sharp to pray together for God's power in each of us.  We can do all things through Christ, and nothing of worth without Him, so let's come together each Sunday to ask for God's Spirit to fill us and use us!



8:30 – Prayer Room
Do you have a heart for prayer? Our Sunday morning prayer time is open to everyone. We pray for the services that morning and for the needs in the church. If you would like to participate, just show up!  Questions?  See Bob Baumiester.  "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20





James 4:11  

"Brothers and sisters, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against a brother or sister or judges them speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it."



7:00 pm

We're starting a 5-6 week study on what the Bible has to say about the end of the world.  We'll be looking at books like Revelation and Daniel as well as many other passages in the Bible. Our topics will include the tribulation, the rapture, heaven and hell, the Second Coming, as well as Jesus' rule on earth as King.  Since there are so many different ideas about what the Bible says, we'll try to talk them through a little.  This won't be a comprehensive study for experts; instead it will be more of a survey for everyone which can give you the ability to dig deeper into study for yourself!



7:30 in Youth Room

First and Third Monday of every month

Anyone who has graduated high school up to their early thirties is welcome. See Pastor Mark or Dana for more information. Childcare is provided.




Sunday, January 24th 5:00-7:00 pm

Meet us at the Brunswick Zone in Deptford for a fabulous time of fellowship!  You don't even have to bowl – we need lots of cheerleaders (and even a few hecklers) to join in the fun! Just $5.00 per person covers the shoe rental and two full hours of bowling. Of course, there's no charge to you if you're just hanging out with us!  We usually pack the place out, so be sure to put your name on the signup sheet in the lobby.  You don't want to miss this!



Small Groups are a fantastic way to connect on a more intimate level with the body of Hope.  It's never too late to join a group, or even to start up a new one!  Check out our Small Group Bulletin Board next to the Prayer Room.  More details on Hope's small groups can be found on the yellow info sheets in the Resource Room. Study sheets can be picked up in the Resource Room or downloaded directly from our website. See Damon Briggs with any questions or contact him at



Mondays at 7:00

The Bible tells us we are wonderfully made - but why do our emotions seem so complicated? That's what we'll be talking about as we resume meeting this Monday.  We will begin studying Patsy Clairmont's book, "I Second That Emotion." Join us as we learn what makes us tick, and how God

wants us to respond to the crazy emotions we all share. Signup sheets are in the lobby, or contact Mary Lebeau (316-6301/ for information.



Second Saturday of Every Month

8:00 – 9:30am

Come and join us for a delicious breakfast and a good time of fellowship/sharing with the men of Hope.  Feel free to bring a friend!  Open to men 18 and older. See Steve Jones with any questions.



February 19, 2016

If you are new to Hope, or maybe you missed our last fellowship back in June, you'll want to mark your calendars now for this event!  Watch for more details to come…….




Our middle school and high school groups meet at the church on Sundays from 6:30-8:30 all year long! Come out for another amazing year as we grow closer together and closer to God!



This July, Hope Christian Fellowship will be sending a team to Uganda to work alongside the Hallahans! Dave Hallahan, Jim Jefferson, Anne Jefferson, Jess St.Petery and Patti Tomasetti will be raising funds over the next several months before heading to Uganda from July 8-22. The cost is about $3,200-4,000 per person. There will be several fundraisers coming your way over the next couple of months. In the meantime, the team would appreciate your prayers!  If you would like to and are able to donate to their trip you can do so by visiting their GoFundMe page: If you have any questions see any of the team members!





Go Zone is our Sunday Morning kid's service, planned especially for 1st - 5th graders.  Our goal is to encourage the kids to live with their focus on "GOing for GOD, GOing for GROWTH, and GOing FOREVER!" This service includes worship, games, and exploring important biblical truths in fun and creative ways before heading off to Sunday school.

Follow HopeKids! Ministries on Facebook at:




February 12-14, 2016

Here's another great deal coming up for this conference!

Family life is running a 'Buy One Get One Free' registration!  This offer will be available from January 4th – 25th, 2016.  Everyone who registers during this time frame with our group name (HopeWoodbury) will receive TWO regular priced registrations for the price of one!  Go to for more information.



January 24th

If anyone is looking for a place to serve at Hope, you can see anyone on any of our deacon teams (posted on the Sound Booth) or you can talk to anyone who is currently serving in the ministry you are interested in.  Additionally, if you are interested in launching a new ministry, you can speak to any of our elders and give them a brief description of your idea so that it can be considered and coordinated.  We will be having a January Job Fair, which will make it super easy for you to find a place to serve.  Please be in prayer about where God would lead you to serve!



Sometimes, God lays it on our heart to give a little extra for His kingdom.  He may have provided the financial means for it or just the nudge in our hearts.  In order to help make this easier for you as the

giver and Hope as the receiver, we have some envelopes in a wall mounted bin next to our regular offering slot.  If you'd like to give to a special project or ministry, just use one of these envelope and check off the correct category.  Please note that these envelopes are not for your usual Sunday offering. 



It's easy and convenient!  Simply go to our website and click 'Online Giving'.  You have the options to set up recurring donations (like automatic bill pay), or give one time donations as well.  The amount and frequency are up to you.  This will allow many of us to be intentional and faithful in our support of Hope.  Contact Damon or LaTosha Briggs with any questions.



Tuesdays at 7:00 pm

Are you ready to let go of strongholds?  Have you tried and tried on your own with no success?

Hope for Recovery is a Christian based, 12-step approach for those struggling with addictions of any kind.  The group is a safe and confidential place for men and women to find strength and HOPE through sharing and fellowship.  We meet in the 1st/2nd grade classroom.  Enter through the rear doors. Contact with any questions.



The New Testament has this wonderful ministry for the elders of a church - PRAYER.  And we'd like to offer it to anyone who is in need of healing (physical or otherwise) or who needs the power of God to be at work in their lives in a special way.  If you or anyone you know would like to take advantage of this ministry, contact Pastor Mark to set up a time after one of our Sunday services for the elders to pray over you.




There are so many places to connect and serve here at Hope.  Keep your eyes on this section to be aware of all the different opportunities for you to effectively serve at Hope. There truly IS 'something for everyone' and we want to make it easy for you to know all the different options!  Special Note:  We will be hosting a 'Job Fair' on January 24th which will make it super easy for you to find a place to connect and serve!



Nursery 9:00                  Amy Fleck, Gail Birney, & Katherine        

Nursery 11:00               Melissa McGinness, Bethany Pineada

Toddlers 9:00               Amy & Brooke Mariner, Katherine DellaRova

Toddlers 11:00             Rebecca & John Jacob, Natalie Mariani
Pre K – K 9:00              Linda Landis, Libby LeBeau

Pre K – K 11:00            Lauren DellaRova, Prisca Ogunkanmi
1st & 2nd – 9:00            Lisa Fiorile, Charlotte Zediker

1st & 2nd – 11:00           Kelly Louis, Lucy Muhlbaier

3rd - 5th   9:00              Mary LeBeau, Nance Reeves

3rd – 5th   11:00            Anne & Jim Jefferson

Ushers 9:00                   Bruce Clark

Ushers 11:00                Damon Briggs

Counters                      TBD

Greeters                       Melissa McGinness

                                     Sharon Sambucci

                                     Katrina Mariani

                                     Greg Corrado


If you have a prayer request, please fill out a prayer request card and drop it in the offering slot at the back of the church on Sunday or use the Contact Us Form on our website.  If you have any questions or would like to join the Prayer Team, please contact Bill Berry directly at



Hungry for His Word,





Note: If you do not wish to continue receiving Hope Notes, simply reply to this email and I will remove your name from the list. Any correspondence for Hope Notes goes to Hopenotes Email.