Thursday, January 28, 2016

Hope Notes 1/28/16


Dear Friends of Hope ~

Such a blessing to find that devotion from Pastor Mark nestled amongst all the other emails in my inbox Sunday morning!  We are so fortunate to have a pastor care so much for his flock that he takes the time to give us our own little 'mini message' when church had to be canceled due to the snow.  I really miss church whenever I am unable to go.  Years and years ago, when I was first saved, every Sunday morning the question of whether or not we 'wanted' to go to church was asked.  Somewhere along the way, I guess the Spirit convicted us or we simply grew in our understanding of the importance of regular church attendance, or we felt the presence of our Lord there at church so strongly that we stopped asking that question.  I couldn't tell you for sure how or when it happened, but it did.  That was many moons ago, and for these past eleven years that we have been at Hope, Sunday morning church is definitely not a chore; it's a privilege.  We get to worship our God publicly unlike many other countries.  We have an awesome worship team and a wonderful teacher/pastor.  On the rare occasion when we have to miss church, I feel so disconnected.  My week just isn't the same without it.  So, reading that devotion and listening to worship songs started my week off on the right foot. It also served as a reminder of how much church means to me and how I shouldn't take for granted being able to attend every week.  No, reading the devotion at home, safely tucked inside while the blizzard did its thing outside, wasn't the same as physically being together with everyone.  But it sure beat having Sunday be 'just another day'!



1/24 – Being God's Answer (Esther 4:1-14)

Job Fair

You probably know the feeling in those dark moments when you are pleading with God to do something about the crisis or the hardship you are facing.  It can feel like God is uncaring or cruel when no answer seems to be forthcoming.  But what if God has already answered?  What if the answer is a person God has prepared for this moment – maybe even you!  We're going to look at that exact scenario in Esther.  The stakes could not have been higher and the danger could not have been more real.  But what becomes apparent is that Esther has become queen specifically for this moment and to face this situation.  Will we allow God to make us His answer to the needs around us?



Did you know that Sunday's worship service is available on CD immediately following the service for FREE?  Pick up a copy for yourself or for anyone you would like to share Hope with.  Pastor Mark's messages are also available on our website,



8:40 – 8:45 for Both Services

The prayer huddle is open to anyone who would like to come pray - but it is specifically intended for those who are serving on that Sunday.  So if you're scheduled to be in kids' ministry, greeting, in the tech booth, on worship team, or any other ministry role for a given Sunday, join us at 8:40 sharp to pray together for God's power in each of us.  We can do all things through Christ, and nothing of worth without Him, so let's come together each Sunday to ask for God's Spirit to fill us and use us!



8:30 – Prayer Room
Do you have a heart for prayer? Our Sunday morning prayer time is open to everyone. We pray for the services that morning and for the needs in the church. If you would like to participate, just show up!  Questions?  See Bob Baumiester.  "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20





James 4:11  

"Brothers and sisters, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against a brother or sister or judges them speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it."



7:00 pm

We're starting a 5-6 week study on what the Bible has to say about the end of the world.  We'll be looking at books like Revelation and Daniel as well as many other passages in the Bible. Our topics will include the tribulation, the rapture, heaven and hell, the Second Coming, as well as Jesus' rule on earth as King.  Since there are so many different ideas about what the Bible says, we'll try to talk them through a little.  This won't be a comprehensive study for experts; instead it will be more of a survey for everyone which can give you the ability to dig deeper into study for yourself!



7:30 in Youth Room

First and Third Monday of every month

Anyone who has graduated high school up to their early thirties is welcome. See Pastor Mark or Dana for more information. Childcare is provided.




Sunday, January 31st from 3:00 – 5:00 pm

Meet us at the Brunswick Zone in Deptford for a fabulous time of fellowship!  You don't even have to bowl – we need lots of cheerleaders (and even a few hecklers) to join in the fun! Just $5.00 per person covers the shoe rental and two full hours of bowling. Of course, there's no charge to you if you're just hanging out with us!  We usually pack the place out, so be sure to put your name on the signup sheet in the lobby.  You don't want to miss this!



Small Groups are a fantastic way to connect on a more intimate level with the body of Hope.  It's never too late to join a group, or even to start up a new one!  Check out our Small Group Bulletin Board next to the Prayer Room.  More details on Hope's small groups can be found on the yellow info sheets in the Resource Room. Study sheets can be picked up in the Resource Room or downloaded directly from our website. See Damon Briggs with any questions or contact him at



Mondays at 7:00

The Bible tells us we are wonderfully made - but why do our emotions seem so complicated? That's what we'll be talking about as we resume meeting this Monday.  We will begin studying Patsy Clairmont's book, "I Second That Emotion." Join us as we learn what makes us tick, and how God

wants us to respond to the crazy emotions we all share. Signup sheets are in the lobby, or contact Mary Lebeau (316-6301/ for information.



Second Saturday of Every Month

8:00 – 9:30am

Come and join us for a delicious breakfast and a good time of fellowship/sharing with the men of Hope.  Feel free to bring a friend!  Open to men 18 and older. See Steve Jones with any questions.



Friday, February 19th @ 7:30pm

If you are new to Hope, or maybe you missed our last fellowship back in June, you'll want to mark your calendars now for this event!  Bring your family and come enjoy some coffee and dessert with us.  We want to get to know you better and it's kind of hard on a busy Sunday morning!  Please sign up on the signup sheet located in the lobby so that we know how many to prepare for.  See you there!



Wednesday, March 2nd @ 7:00 pm

Looking forward to our Spring Café, and not just because 'spring' is in the name!  This is always a great night of fellowship – watching performances, snacking on good food, and just enjoying each other's company.  We'll need performers and people to sign up to bring a snack or dessert.  Look for signup sheets in the lobby soon!





Our middle school and high school groups meet at the church on Sundays from 6:30-8:30 all year long! Come out for another amazing year as we grow closer together and closer to God!



July 2016

Hope Christian Fellowship is sending a team to Uganda to work alongside the Josh & Kelly Hallahan this July!  Dave Hallahan, Jim Jefferson, Anne Jefferson, Jess St.Petery and Patti Tomasetti will be raising funds over the next several months before heading to Uganda from July 8-22. The cost is about $3,200-4,000 per person. There will be several fundraisers coming your way over the next couple of months. In the meantime, the team would appreciate your prayers!  If you would like to and are able to donate to their trip you can do so by visiting their GoFundMe page: If you have any questions see any of the team members!





Go Zone is our Sunday Morning kid's service, planned especially for 1st - 5th graders.  Our goal is to encourage the kids to live with their focus on "GOing for GOD, GOing for GROWTH, and GOing FOREVER!" This service includes worship, games, and exploring important biblical truths in fun and creative ways before heading off to Sunday school.

Follow HopeKids! Ministries on Facebook at:




Wednesday, March 9th @ 7:00 pm

Pastor Mark will be having two classes at his house on February 22nd and 29th (both Mondays) for anyone interested in being baptized.  Classes last about an hour.  You need to plan on being at both classes if you intend on getting baptized. There is a signup sheet in the lobby; Pastor Mark also has a book and an information sheet for each person. 



January 31st

If anyone is looking for a place to serve at Hope, you can see anyone on any of our deacon teams (posted on the Sound Booth) or you can talk to anyone who is currently serving in the ministry you are interested in.  Additionally, if you are interested in launching a new ministry, you can speak to any of our elders and give them a brief description of your idea so that it can be considered and coordinated.  We will be having a January Job Fair, which will make it super easy for you to find a place to serve.  Please be in prayer about where God would lead you to serve!



Sometimes, God lays it on our heart to give a little extra for His kingdom.  He may have provided the financial means for it or just the nudge in our hearts.  In order to help make this easier for you as the

giver and Hope as the receiver, we have some envelopes in a wall mounted bin next to our regular offering slot.  If you'd like to give to a special project or ministry, just use one of these envelope and check off the correct category.  Please note that these envelopes are not for your usual Sunday offering. 



It's easy and convenient!  Simply go to our website and click 'Online Giving'.  You have the options to set up recurring donations (like automatic bill pay), or give one time donations as well.  The amount and frequency are up to you.  This will allow many of us to be intentional and faithful in our support of Hope.  Contact Damon or LaTosha Briggs with any questions.



Tuesdays at 7:00 pm

Are you ready to let go of strongholds?  Have you tried and tried on your own with no success?

Hope for Recovery is a Christian based, 12-step approach for those struggling with addictions of any kind.  The group is a safe and confidential place for men and women to find strength and HOPE through sharing and fellowship.  We meet in the 1st/2nd grade classroom.  Enter through the rear doors. Contact with any questions.



The New Testament has this wonderful ministry for the elders of a church - PRAYER.  And we'd like to offer it to anyone who is in need of healing (physical or otherwise) or who needs the power of God to be at work in their lives in a special way.  If you or anyone you know would like to take advantage of this ministry, contact Pastor Mark to set up a time after one of our Sunday services for the elders to pray over you.





There are so many places to connect and serve here at Hope.  Keep your eyes on this section to be aware of all the different opportunities for you to effectively serve at Hope. There truly IS 'something for everyone' and we want to make it easy for you to know all the different options!  Special Note:  We will be hosting a 'Job Fair' on January 24th which will make it super easy for you to find a place to connect and serve!



Nursery 9:00                Sara Cartella, Anki Hill        

Nursery 11:00               Leah Hallahan, Lauren Czyzewski

Toddlers 9:00               Amy & Brooke Mariner, Katherine DellaRova

Toddlers 11:00             Jenna Gaventa, Kara Ott, Natalie Mariani
Pre K – K 9:00              Linda Landis, Libby LeBeau

Pre K – K 11:00            Lauren DellaRova, Prisca Ogunkanmi
1st & 2nd – 9:00            Rich & Patty Bunnell

1st & 2nd – 11:00          Lisa Fiorile & Charlotte Zediker

3rd - 5th   9:00              Mary LeBeau, Nance Reeves

3rd – 5th   11:00            Anne & Jim Jefferson

Ushers 9:00                   Mike Hartwell

Ushers 11:00                Don Frazeur

Counters                       TBD

Greeters                       Melissa McGinness

                                     Sharon Sambucci

                                     Katrina Mariani

                                     Greg Corrado


If you have a prayer request, please fill out a prayer request card and drop it in the offering slot at the back of the church on Sunday or use the Contact Us Form on our website.  If you have any questions or would like to join the Prayer Team, please contact Bill Berry directly at



Thankful for Hope,





Note: If you do not wish to continue receiving Hope Notes, simply reply to this email and I will remove your name from the list. Any correspondence for Hope Notes goes to Hopenotes Email.


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