Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hope Notes 9/24/09

Dear Friends of Hope ~

Is it just me, or have Pastor Mark's messages been hitting home in a big way lately?  I want to encourage anyone who hasn't been able to get out to church to do whatever it takes to get there!  I know, I know, you can always get a cd to listen to - but it's not the same.  For one thing, you don't get the visual effect of seeing Pastor Mark flap his arms, imitate something, or more seriously, earnestly look out into our faces as he shares what God has laid on his heart.  Don't miss even one more Sunday.



9/27 – God Knows What He's Doing (Acts 13:13-41)

Does your life seem like a chaotic mess?  Does it seem like you're thrown one way and then the other without warning?  This is such a normal life experience that many people have concluded there either isn't a God, or that He has no idea what He's doing.  As believers, we of course, would never say that.  Except we do.  When we struggle to trust Him and follow Him, we're saying that God doesn't know what He's doing.  The problem is that this isn't true – and that we have too much evidence to the contrary.  In this passage, Paul reminds the Jews at Antioch that God has been working on a brilliant plan throughout the history of Israel.   Each point he discusses makes it more and more clear that God knows what He's doing!



Please remember that our services are available on CD immediately following the service for FREE!  Pick up a copy for yourself or for anyone they want to share Hope with.  Pastor Mark's messages are also available on our website,



Our Sunday morning prayer time is open to everyone. We start at 9:15 am in one of the classrooms. We pray for the services that morning and for the needs in the church.



This book recounts the return of the Jews from Babylon to their homeland.  It describes the difficult task of rebuilding the Temple, even when faced with dangerous opposition.  It ends with Ezra's fierce denunciation of those countrymen who married pagan women in defiance of God's law.  In fact, the last few verses of his book list by name those who had disobeyed God in this way.  (How would you like to have your name remembered for your sin? Not me!)




7:30 - 8:30 pm

Think the book of Genesis couldn't possibly relate to us and the world in which we live?  Think again!  Genesis means "beginnings" and that's just what this book is about.  It describes a loving God who made all things perfectly, but also tells about the beginning of sin and how it ruined what had been a perfect relationship between God and man.  Isn't that still happening today?  Join us as we continue our study on the book of Genesis. Childcare is provided.





All around us our groups are forming!  Be sure to continue praying for the Spirit's leading in putting together these groups.  We are looking for new relationships to flourish as God directs and for existing relationships to grow even deeper.  We need to bring others along with us to bind together as a group and so "fulfill the law of Christ".  (Gal 6:2)



All 6th thru 12th graders, here's something you don't want to miss!  In youth group on Saturday nights at 5 pm, we're talking about "Can we know that the Bible is true?"  This is a powerful question with huge impact.  If you've ever talked to someone who questions Christianity, or if you've ever had questions yourself, we're looking at historical and scientific evidence that will help you with those questions!  For more information, see Dwight Lein or Brian Ott.



Please pray for our men as they head off for a weekend of Spiritual growth, adventure, and fellowship with brothers-in-Christ.



Saturday October 10 @ 9:00 am

Nifty Fifty's Restaurant (Across the street from the old Lone Star)

4670 Route 42
Turnersville, NJ 08012

Cost:  $1-$2 for gratuity

Guest speaker to be announced at a later date

Sign up sheet on back table.  See Liz Johnson with any questions.





Brief Meeting After Church 9/27

In order to gauge the interest in putting together a choir for a Cantata on 12/27, we will have a quick meeting immediately following the service.  Practices would begin on October 11 after morning service until about 1:15pm. 



Ever wonder how the words to our Praise Songs get on that big screen?  Looking for a FUN & EASY way to serve at Hope?  Well then, this is it!

It's a very simple process to get the lyrics, announcements, and Bible verses on screen. No experience needed. Hands on training is provided.  You can make your own schedule.  If you'd like to serve, you would simply come to the Worship Team practice at 5:00pm on Saturday to put things together, and then be at church by 9:00am Sunday to do a trial run. 

Please contact Joe Anyzek @ or 456-2172 for more information.



Once again it's time to begin praying about nominations.  Partners can nominate partners for Deacons (men and women) or Leadership Team (men).  We're asking all our partners to nominate everyone they feel should serve in these offices.  Ten separate nominations are needed for a man to be presented for a vote for Leadership Team, and five separate nominations are needed for a man or woman to be presented for a vote for Deacon Team.  On the back of the nomination form is a list of current officers; attached are a list of qualifications and roles of each office.  Nominations are due to Pastor Mark by November 1st.

NOTE:  If you are not a partner and want to be, please fill out a partner form, read through our constitution, and give the filled out form to Pastor Mark. 



The Building Team is looking to put together a group of volunteers to come on the 3rd Thursday of each month (after 6:30pm) to help clean.

Cleaning would involve dusting, dry mopping, vacuuming, and maybe cleaning the windows. We would like to have enough people so that we can have rotating teams.  That way no one would have to come every month.  Jess St.Petery will have a sign up sheet on the back table.



Hard to believe, but Hope is gearing up for our annual Kid's Christmas program!  Please be on the look-out for practice CD's and an information letter that your pre-school or elementary children will be bringing home on Oct.4th!  Save the date for Dec.20th to see Hope's kids perform!  The practices will be held on Sundays (during church) beginning on Oct.11!



Canned Vegetables please.



Please stop by the back of the church and pick up a lawn sign for you yard. This will be a great way to reach out to people in your neighborhood.  You never know who might be looking for a church home!



Our bumper stickers are here!  This will be a great visual for people to be introduced to Hope.  Think of all the people you'll reach as your drive, sit at traffic lights, or even when your car is parked somewhere.  But remember… are an "advertisement" for Hope, so watch the road rage! J



TABLE:       LaTosha Briggs

LAMB'S MINISTRY:   Bill McGinness & Carla Bittner (T)

                              Ray & Poppy Gillin (I)

                              Kim Lawlor & Erin Sweeney (C)

                              Melissa McGinness & Anita Little (P)

GREETERS:              Rick Mounce & Pat Roselli

COUNTERS:             Carole Baumiester & Karen Jones

CLEANERS:              Charlotte Zediker



CHILD CARE:                      Lillian LaRue


You can have people praying for you and your loved ones throughout the week. Just drop your requests in the box near the door on Sunday or email Jim Bradshaw during the week at

He will get your requests to the team. If you would like your request to appear in the Hope Notes, just let Jim know.  If you want to be a part of this ministry, send Jim your email address and he will add your name to the team.  Please remember, anyone is welcome to join us for prayer at 9:15 on Sunday mornings whether they are on the team or not.



Debbie Bradshaw - For her Aunt Pat, recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancerous tumor in her right lung. Not saved. Pray that God would give us opportunities to share with her and that she would open her heart to Him.
For Steve's emotional/spiritual/mental health needs. His circle of support has waned and we a seeking God's help to recreate this critical area in his daily life.

God's Leading - We are seeking God's direction for our building situation and for the possibility of a radio ministry on Hope FM.

Small Groups - For God to lead and direct people to their various Small Group. For Small Groups to be a powerful spiritual and relational force at Hope.


Help us to remember to pray, Lord.  Not just for these specific requests, but "in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Ph 4:6 


Heading for His Marvelous Light,



God is never disabled by the plans of man. (M. Ott)



Note:  If you do not wish to continue receiving Hope Notes, simply reply to this email and I will remove your name from the list.



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