Thursday, November 10, 2005

Hope Notes 11-10-2005

Dear Friends of Hope ~
We have lots of chances to be faithful servants this month.  Let us take these opportunities and really be "Jesus" to, not only our church family, but to the family of God across the earth.
Hope is throwing a "Food Shower" for Brian and Gretchen Milks.  They are in a difficult situation right now and their cupboard is bare!  Let's restock it for them!  You can bring  food or household items, or perhaps a gift certificate to a food store.  Bring your donations with you to church this Sunday (Nov 13th).  We want to show our care and concern for them, and to encourage them as they seek God's direction for their lives.
We want to remember our missionary in Guatemala, Lauren Pupchick at Christmas.  Every week in November, we will have envelopes for giving to Lauren.  This will not be "support", but a direct gift to her!  Simply put your gift (even just a small gift) in the envelope and drop it into the offering box.   We need to encourage those who serve the kingdom by leaving their homes to spread the Good News.  Lauren will be with us on December 4th, so we can tell her in person that we are praying for her, and that we are proud of her and her ministry!
We will be helping Ed Yost put a new roof on his home Saturday, 11/12 from 8:00 am till around noon or so.  Ed's address is 1837 Good Intent Road, Deptford, NJ.  His phone # is 227-7410.  Lorraine Otis is helping put together a lunch for the workers.  If you would like to help Lorraine, just give her a call at 686-1557 or email her at
DON'T FORGET YOUR SHOEBOXES FOR OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD!!!  Boxes are due in this Sunday November 13th.  See Melissa McGinness with any questions.
Pastor Mark has designated the book of 1st John  as a suggested reading for us to do together during the month of November.  Since it is a short letter, we should try to read it all the way through at one sitting, or we could split it up over the month.  Here's a verse to whet your appetite:  "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God."  1 John 3:1
And let's not forget these opportunities to fellowship with one another:
ADULT VOLLEYBALL (Sr High & Up) THIS FRIDAY, November 11th from
7:00-9:00pm.  Meet us at the Five Points Community Volleyball Center on Route 41 in Deptford (just north of Five Points Diner).  We're looking forward to a great time of fun.  There is NO COST involved.  You don't have to pay to come and fellowship! 
ADULT CHRISTMAS PARTY (yes- Sr High & Up) coming up on December 16th.  We will be having a catered dinner at a hall in Bellmawr.  The party will start at 6:30 and go until 10:30 pm with dinner at 7:00.  We'll have some fun and games too!  We're making the party open to everyone by only asking for a donation from those who can give one (suggested donation is $17 per person).  If you can't afford this donation, please come anyway - that's the very reason we set it up like this!  Don't miss this time to celebrate the season with our spiritual family.
ATTENTION ALL YOUTH (grades 6 - 12)!! 
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13TH   Come to Pastor Mark and Dana's house after church for some ultimate frisbee and/or flag football.  We'll have pizza and soda, then.......the game is on!  Approximate times 2:00 - 5:00.
Tuesday evenings from 7:00 - 8:15 at Lois Hartwell's house (629-9572).  For girls in 6th thru 12th grade.  We've started meeting and it has been great!  We had lots of fun getting to know each other, brainstorming ideas, and setting up our study. We will be in the book of Philippians.  Come join us and find out the strange facts we learned about each other!
"Becoming a Contagious Christian" began this past Wednesday. Praise God we had quite a crowd!  This is an awesome study you definitely don't want to miss out on!  Witnessing doesn't have to be scary.  Based on Matthew 5, this study will help you to find your own personal style of evangelism.  You will learn how to share your faith in a way that is normal, natural, regular and effective.  God created you a certain way to reach certain people.  Through this study you can learn how to be aware of the witnessing opportunities God puts in front of you and know that you are prepared to share.  We meet here at Hope from 7:00 - 8:30.  Childcare is provided.
Our Children's Ministry is in need of juice boxes, animal crackers, & pretzels.  We would appreciate contributions.
Our church directory is being updated.  Please fill out an information sheet on the side table if you would like to be included.  Our goal is to have the updated directory by the end of November.
KID'S CORNER                    GREETERS             HOSPITALITY
Mike Elliot         ( CT )               Pat & Joan Roselli                 Dana Ott          
Rachel Goeggel   Helper                                                          Naidona Ott
As scheduled     (T)         
As scheduled     ( I )
This Sunday is Communion Sunday - "What is Precious to God?"  This is always a very special service as we celebrate the Lord's Supper together.
  • For Hope's finances as we look to bring Pastor Mark on full time and find a permanent location for Hope Christian Fellowship.

Help us to remember to pray, Lord.  Not just for these specific requests, but "in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Ph 4:6


Serving Him,



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