Thursday, July 27, 2017

Hope Notes 7/27/17

Dear Friends of Hope,
     This coming Sunday is the day we get to see what our kids have been experiencing all week in VBS.  I love watching the video and catching a glimpse of what went on.  It always looks like such a fun time - all kinds of games, snacks, and the ever popular songs!  But more so than that, the thing that always tweaks at my heart is the lessons they learn about having a personal relationship with Jesus.  Woven throughout the fun and games are some very fundamental truths for our children.  God loves them.  He desires a relationship with them.  He wants them to talk to Him through prayer.  He is there to help them.  They can always turn to Him.  These are the messages that appear over and over through the Bible.  And not just for the children, but for us as well.  Messages of hope and comfort, peace and joy.  You can ask any one of the workers who gave their time this week and they will tell you THEY learned just as much as the kids!   Sprinkled throughout Scripture you will find verses about the importance of teaching our children about God.  One of my personal favorites is found in Psalm 78:4 - "We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord,about his power and his mighty wonders."  I love that our church cares enough about our young ones to dedicate a full week of hearing Biblical truths presented to them in such a fun way, and at a level specifically targeted to their age groups. That's why this coming Sunday is high on my list of 'don't miss'! Come ready to hear lots of good songs and share in the joy that radiates from all our children as we watch their week unfold on screen.
Because we trust and follow Jesus, we thought it would be a great idea to take a walk through the gospel of Luke and dig into the words of Jesus Himself.  We'll find them challenging and full of insight.  And with open hearts, we'll allow the Spirit to instruct us on how we should walk as Christians in this world.

A Special Message from 1 Peter 2:4-10 - God's Plan for You
VBS Closing

Life can be confusing.  Just when you think you have one problem solved, three more crop up. There are moments when it feels like you're juggling so much already, and life throws one more thing into the mix.  Some people say God has a plan for your life. Could that be true?  And what would be His plan with all that seems so chaotic and out of place.  One of Jesus' closest friends while He lived on earth was Peter, and Peter wrote a few books.  We're going to look at what Peter has to say about God's plan for you. It may not be what you think!  But it might be better than you could imagine.

Sunday's worship service is available on CD immediately following the service for FREE. Pick up a copy for yourself or for anyone you would like to share Hope with.  Pastor Mark's messages are also available on our website:
SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER TIME - 8:30 in Pastor Mark's Office
Do you have a heart for prayer? Our Sunday morning prayer time is open to everyone. We pray for the services that morning and for the needs in the church. If you would like to participate, just show up!  "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." (Matthew 18:20)  Bob Baumiester leads this prayer time – feel free to contact him with any questions:

PRAYER HUDDLE - 8:40 to 8:45 for Both Services
The prayer huddle is open to anyone who would like to come pray - but it is specifically intended for those who are serving on that Sunday.  So if you're scheduled to be in kids' ministry, greeting, in the tech booth, on worship team, or any other ministry role for a given Sunday, join us at 8:40 sharp in the Youth Room to pray together for God's power in each of us.  We can do all things through Christ, and nothing of worth without Him, so let's come together each Sunday to ask for God's Spirit to fill us and use us!

JULY CHALLENGE VERSE - 1st John 5:11-12
"And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life."

If you're in the habit of coming each week to Bible Study, why not keep on coming in July and help us decorate for VBS?!  We'll be decorating from 7:00 - 8:15 pm Wednesday evenings.

ANNUAL CHURCH PICNIC - Sunday, July 30th @ 5:00 pm - This Sunday!

Gather together with your church family (bring your friends too!) for this 'don't miss' event!  We'll have water slides, a bouncy house, and lots of games.  Kids, wear your bathing suits and bring a towel.  Let's not forget the food - we are providing hot dogs straight off the grill and lots of beverages!  Bring a side dish or dessert along with your appetite!

SUMMER CAFE NIGHT - Sunday August 13th @ 7:00.
You'll definitely want to join us for a fun night of ice cream sundaes (with all of the toppings) and entertainment provided by our very own church family!  We will supply all the goodies.  There is a signup sheet in the lobby; please sign up if you are willing to share your talent.  We're so happy that  Kimmi Biglin is able be the MC and coordinate the talent for the evening. Bring your kids, friends & families, so that no one misses out on this fun evening! 

Pastor Mark and Dana are hosting a get together for Hope's 'Young & Married' adults! We're looking for couples in their 20's and 30's who are in their first 10 years of marriage (give or take 😊) to spend some time eating, hanging out, and having fun together. Whether you've been at Hope for years or are brand new, we'd love for you to join us! We'll need a head count for food and set up so be sure to contact us and let us know if you can make it!
Here's the info you need to mark your calendar now:
When: Sunday, Sept. 3rd at 4:00 - 8:30pm
Where: The Ott's house (6 East Avenue, Clayton 08312)
RSVP: by 8/26 - 

YOUNG ADULTS - 7:30 in Youth Room - First and Third Monday of every month
Anyone who has graduated high school up to their early thirties is welcome.  Contact Dave or Leah Hallahan at Childcare is provided. 

GOD'S GIRLS WOMEN'S GROUP - 1st & 3rd Mondays at 7:00
Contact Mary Lebeau for more information at 856-316-6301 or
MEN'S BREAKFAST  - 8:00 – 9:30 am - Second Saturday of Every Month
Come and join us for a delicious breakfast and a good time of fellowship/sharing with the men of Hope.  Feel free to bring a friend!  Open to men 18 and older.

Our middle school and high school groups meet right here at church! Come out for another amazing year as we grow closer together and closer to God!

PLEASE NOTE:  There will be NO Youth Group on Sunday nights until September.
Jul 30 - Aug 5 - Boston Mission Trip
Aug 18 - Movie Night @ Hallahans'

Grow Groups is an opportunity for our middle and high school students to dig deeper into Gods word and the issues that are relevant to their lives. 
PLEASE NOTE: Grow Groups are on hiatus for the summer.

Go Zone is our Sunday Morning kid's service, planned especially for 1st - 5th graders. Our goal is to encourage the kids to live with their focus on "GOing for GOD, GOing for GROWTH, and GOing FOREVER!" This service includes worship, games, and exploring important biblical truths in fun and creative ways before heading off to Sunday school.
Follow HopeKids! Ministries on Facebook at:

BAPTISM SERVICE - Wednesday, Oct 4th @ 7:00 pm
We will be having a baptism service at the church for anyone who has put their trust in Jesus as their savior and is ready to take this step of faith! We will have two classes at church (participants need to be at BOTH class) on Wednesday Sept 20th & 27th at 7:00 pm. Please sign up if you are interested; you can get an info sheet and book from any of our pastors.

During the month of July we will have collection bins at both entrances for donations of school supplies for the children of Kids Alley.  A list of supplies needed is on each bin.  Help equip these children  for the upcoming school year; no child should have to go to school without the materials they need!

They're here!  We have a new system to collect our various communication cards
in just one spot instead of at  different locations around the church.  If you have a prayer request, you can fill out the orange  Prayer Request card and our Prayer Team will lift it up in prayer.  If anyone has a need or knows of someone in need, one way to let us know is to drop a yellow Needs Request card into the box.  Our guests can fill out the blue Visitor Card and drop it in the box.  To make it even easier, you will find all three cards right there on the box! Boxes are located at the front of the auditorium.
Make sure to check out Hope Share on our website – it's a place to share things we no longer use and to look for things we need!  It's easy to upload photos of items you'd like to give away and to search for that special item you just might need!
We make it easy to give as the Lord leads.  There are envelopes and a drop box in the back of the auditorium.  If you prefer to give electronically, we have online and texting options.  Just go to our website and check them out!
The New Testament has this wonderful ministry for the elders of a church - PRAYER. And we'd like to offer it to anyone who is in need of healing (physical or otherwise) or who needs the power of God to be at work in their lives in a special way.  If you or anyone you know would like to take advantage of this ministry, contact Pastor Mark to set up a time after one of our Sunday services for the elders to pray over you.

There are so many places to connect and serve here at Hope. There truly IS 'something for everyone' and we want to make it easy for you to know all the different options!  You can check out our Ministry and Service Opportunities brochure (on the glass tables and in the Resource Room) and also keep your eye on this section as we post any pressing needs.

Our Food Pantry is in need of breakfast items like cereal, oatmeal, pancake / waffle mix, etc.  We also need frozen meats for dinner such as ground beef, chicken, hot dogs, etc.  Many are fed because of your donations - thank you!

From time to time, Hope changes gears on Wednesday nights and breaks into smaller groups.  The focus of these groups are different topics of interest that can help us take real steps forward in our walk with God. We're going to be holding these workshops once again in September.  The elders are inviting anyone with teaching gifts who would like to lead a 4 week workshop to contact Pastor Mark and get an outline and topic to him by Sunday, August 6th.  That way, our Leadership Team can review and approve the teachers and topics and have a signup list available through August for participants in each workshop. For more info or questions, see Pastor Mark.

For all Kids Ministry scheduling, please refer to the Planning Center or contact your team leader.
Ushers 9:00 -------Bruce Clark

Ushers 11:00 ------Tom Albright
Wed. Nursery ----- N/A
Counters ------------Kathy Berry, Melissa McGinness
Greeters ----------- Debbie Davis, Sharon Sambucci, Katrina Mariani, Greg Corroado
If you have a prayer request, please fill out a prayer request card and drop it in one of the Card Boxes located at the front of the auditorium (you can find the prayer request cards there) or use the "Contact Us Form" on our website:
If you have any questions or would like to join the Prayer Team, please contact Hap Cunningham:
PLEASE NOTE: We would greatly appreciate it if you could keep the team updated on your request.  Situations can resolve or change for the better/worse. Praises are always welcome!  This will help our team know best how to pray for you.

For Future Generations,

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