Thursday, May 23, 2013

Hope Notes 5/23/13

Dear Friends of Hope~

Sometimes I get a question in my head that I just can't get rid of until I get it answered.  Much research ensues (thank you Google) and then I can put it out of my mind.  My latest puzzle was "why the names iphone, ipod, and ipad?" Confession – this question came only after I made my daughter explain to me what each of them actually was! Anyway, the consensus seems to be that the 'i' stands for "I as in me or individual".  A very small percent suggests that it stands for internet.  I tend to believe the first.  Our society is so egocentric that I am not at all surprised by this.  As a rule, we are born selfish; as Christians, we struggle against our fleshly nature in order to live as God would have us.  Want to have joy?  Live your lives like this:  Jesus first, Others second and You last! 



May 26 – Lying Teachers (2 Peter 2:1-3)

A good magician can make you question what you know to be impossible.  They find a way to do something right in front of your eyes that tricks you into believing that something happened that couldn't possibly have happened!  In some way, they deceive you.  And it is very entertaining to try to figure out how they did it.  Peter talks in this passage about some other people who are out to trick us.  False teachers are people who pretend to be speaking the truth on behalf of God, but are actually passing along dangerous and subtle lies.  They do it to control good-hearted and trusting people – exploiting them for money and power.  Peter warns us about these liars, and even gives us clues to recognize them when they show up.


Did you know that Sunday's worship service is available on CD immediately following the service for FREE?  Pick up a copy for yourself or for anyone you would like to share Hope with.  Pastor Mark's messages are also available on our website,



9:30 – 9:35

The prayer huddle is open to anyone who would like to come pray - but it is specifically intended for those who are serving on that Sunday.  So if you're scheduled to be in kids' ministry, greeting, in the tech booth, on worship team, or any other ministry role for a given Sunday, join us at 9:30 sharp to pray together for God's power in each of us.  We can do all things through Christ, and nothing of worth without Him, so let's come together each Sunday to ask for God's Spirit to fill us and use us!


Our Sunday morning prayer time is open to everyone. We start at 9:15 am in one of the classrooms. We pray for the services that morning and for the needs in the church. If you would like to participate, just show up! Contact Pat Harkin at Prayer Team with any questions.





Ephesians 4:32

"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."



7:00 – 8:15

We will be putting our study of 1Corinithians aside for spring and breaking into individual classes.  The groups offered are shown below. Everyone is welcome to join the groups in progress. Childcare is provided.


The Land Between (Bob Baumiester)

Meets in 1st-2nd Grade Classroom


Sun Stand Still (Damon Briggs)

Meets in Pre-School Room


Too Busy NOT to Pray (Mike Hartwell)

Meets in Prayer Room


The Basics of Christianity (Steve Jones)

Meets in Coffee Room


 Do I Have to Live Stressed Out (Pastor Mark)

Meets in Auditorium



During the month of July we want to change up our normal Wednesday night Bible study by taking things outdoors under the big tents! We'll start the night with some music from some of our own musicians, followed by a devotional from Pastor Mark, and some desserts and fellowship for everyone. There will be more information soon, but mark your calendars now and plan to bring out the whole family for these special Wednesday nights!



7:00 – 8:15

Keep Jesus fresh in your child's mind and heart!  We have classes for children ages 3 – 5 and for those in 1st – 5th grades.  Nursery is provided for infants thru age 2.



7:30 in Youth Room

First and Third Monday of every month

Anyone who has graduated high school up to their early thirties is welcome. See Pastor Mark or Dana for more information. Childcare is provided.


7:00 in Prayer Room

First and Third Monday of every month




Softball Season has begun! Bring your friends and family to come root for our team.  It's a fun evening of fellowship!  Be sure to check the Salt & Light for the weekly game schedules.  See Lenny Little with any questions.



Second Saturday of Every Month

8:30 am

Come and join us for a delicious breakfast and a good time of fellowship/sharing with the men of Hope.  Feel free to bring a friend!  Open to men 18 and older.  If anyone would like to help set-up and/or prepare, we meet in the kitchen at 7:00 am. See Bob Rice with any questions.



If you didn't get to be a part of our Small Groups this past term, don't despair! We are doing a Small Group Sampler on the first 3 Wednesdays of August.  The groups are open to anyone who wants to participate (whether you've been in a group previously or not) and all you need to do is sign up for the weeks you're available.  We will schedule the Small Groups and assign everyone to a different group each week.  So if you sign up for all three weeks, you'll get to mix with three completely different groups.  Then, as we set out to form groups in September, you'll be one step ahead in the process because you'll have met lots of other people in a small group setting!   Look for the signup sheet to be out in a few weeks.



Women of Faith – September 6th & 7th

Annual Church Picnic – September 8




Wednesdays from 7:00 – 8:30
This is a great mid-week boost for our teens to stay connected, grow in the Lord, and have a fun time with each other!  See Dave Hallahan with any questions.


This Week @ Rooted (5/29) - Have you ever really been excited about something - a project, joining a team or a band- but after awhile you realized your experience wasn't quite what you thought it would be? Did that experience lead you to quitting? This week we will look at people who have 'quit' Christianity.



2nd and 4th Monday Evenings

If you are between 9th – 12th grades, this is an awesome opportunity to grow closer to each other and closer to God.


 No Grow Groups This Week!

Enjoy your Memorial Day and we will meet next on 6/10



Friday, May 31st

This is our second dodge ball tournament. We will meet at the church at 6:00pm and head to Marlton United Methodist Church. There is no cost, pizza will be provided and will return around 11pm.



Thanks to all who supported the Pretzel sale last week! We raised $236 towards the Mission Trip!





Sunday, June 2nd

The Lord has opened the door for Hope to purchase a 15 passenger van.  We weren't anticipating this opportunity, but after some investigation, discussion, and prayer, we believe that this is God's direction for us.  Owning a van like this will be a wonderful resource for our youth ministries and for our church as a whole.  We know the history of the van, and we have had it checked by a reputable mechanic.  We are awaiting one final inspection before we move ahead.  Our offer is in line with the published value of the van, and the van has only about 55,000 miles.  We have the cash in reserve to make the purchase, and are essentially on target for our budget.  Overall, this looks like God's direction and provision for our church.  If you have any questions, please see an elder and we'll fill you in on any info you need.  Please pray as we plan for a brief meeting with our partners after our Sunday morning service on June 2.




The first fundraiser for our mission trip is in full swing. Check out the pictures in the hall showing each youth available for 'rent' for three hours of service at your convenience.  Do you need a babysitter, landscaper, housecleaner, lawn mower, etc?  There's just one week left, so make sure to get your bids in on these kids!



We now have a bulletin board just for Hope attendees!  The board is located across from the Youth Room in the hallway.  If you're a part of Hope, feel free to use the board as a place to advertise your business or services, showcase an item for sale, or place a 'help wanted' ad.  We just ask that you keep things no larger than a 4x6 index card and remove when no longer relevant.  Check with Wendy Devereaux if you have any questions.



Were you aware that we have our own prison missionaries right here at Hope?  Bill McGinness, along with Anne and Jim Jefferson, are actively involved in the Saints Prison Ministry.  Their mission is to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to prisoners through athletics and to provide them with opportunities for spiritual growth.  The Saints compete against inmate teams in softball, basketball, soccer and women's volleyball, and then present the Gospel to them right on the playing field.  They need to raise their own support in order to participate in this ministry.  Please consider helping them out with your prayers and any financial contribution you can give.  Current needs are: Bill McGinness is $950, Jim Jefferson $850 and Anne Jefferson $350.  Checks should be made payable to the individual.



Copies of the addendum to Hope's Directory are now available in the Resource Room.  Come pick one up and put it in the back of your current directory.  This way, you will have contact information for those not in our existing directory, as well as any updates that have been made.





We are in need of 1 or 2 people who are willing to provide childcare for our Young Adults meetings. This group has been growing like crazy and being able to provide babysitting is a wonderful way we can support and encourage them in their journey of faith. We have rotating teams right now, but need a little more help so each team only needs to serve 1x every 6-8 weeks. Please see Dana Ott or email her at for more information if you are interested in helping out.



July 15th – 18th

Can you believe it's time to start thinking about VBS already?  There will be plenty of different options and opportunities to help. More information will be coming.  Contact Anne Jefferson at if you'd like to volunteer to be a part of this exciting program for our children.  There is a signup sheet in the lobby.



We are in need of the following items for our pantry:

Non-refrigerated beverages such as juices, Snapple, or water.  No soda please.

            Ground beef, hot dogs, meat, poultry, french fries, etc. for the freezer.

See Karen Jones with any questions regarding the pantry.

Please remember to check the expiration dates and leave all donations in the basket located outside the kitchen door.



Nursery                          Jason & Kristy Straub

Toddlers                         Kara Ott, Sammy Swedo, Abbey Harkin
Pre K – Kindergarten     Linda Landis, Linda Ellison, Ryan Winstel
1st – 3rd                         Kathy Mayfield, Madison Toomin

4th & 5th                         Mary LeBeau, Dylan Ott
Counters                        Lois Hartwell, Carole Baumiester
Greeters                         Rick Ayusa
                                       Judy Gotshall
                                       Helen Mastalski

                                       Georgia Perrong
Wed. Evening                  Jeanne Wurst, Dayo Ogunkanmi


If you have a prayer request, please fill out a prayer request card and drop it in the offering slot at the back of the church on Sunday or use the "Prayer Request Form" on our website. If you have any questions or would like to join the Prayer Team, please contact Pat Harkin directly at



Saturday Night Service – Please lift up these services as we move forward in seeing if a Saturday evening service is a good fit for us.

Kids Ministry Director - Please pray for God to connect us with the right people at the right time and let Him have His work in all of this!

"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people." Ephesians 6:18


God is Able,


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