Thursday, October 18, 2012

Hope Notes 10/18/12

Dear Friends of Hope~

Have you ever felt the sting of rejection?  Perhaps you didn't get the promotion you wanted, or a relationship you've been trying to build is going nowhere; maybe you weren't chosen for the sports team you so desperately wanted to be a part of or even just having your offers to help be repeatedly turned down.  We've all faced these familiar scenarios; the key is how do we react to them?  Would it make a difference if you stopped to think that possibly rejection is God's protection over your life?  After all, didn't He create us?   Doesn't He know the past, the present, and the future?  Do you truly believe that He knows what is best for us and will often allow doors to shut, relationships to end, and pathways be blocked all under the umbrella of His tender love for us?  I know this helps me tremendously when I am wondering why things sometimes don't work out the way I want.  Try it next time you face a disappointment.  Ask yourself if it could possibly be that God, in His loving wisdom, is simply leading you towards a better outcome!



10/21 – Is Submission Slavery? (1 Peter 2:13-18)

Virtually everyone wants to be free.  One of the great ideals of our time is the ability to choose individually what I will or won't do.  America has championed this value in our country (at least in the way we talk) and in the world at large.  But how does that concept blend with the Bible's call to submission?  As believers, God makes it clear that we are to put ourselves under the authority of others.  Can we do that and be free?  Maybe we don't exactly understand freedom, or maybe we don't exactly understand submission.  We'll take a look today at what Peter teaches about submitting to the authorities in our life.


Did you know that Sunday's worship service is available on CD immediately following the service for FREE?  Pick up a copy for yourself or for anyone you would like to share Hope with.  Pastor Mark's messages are also available on our website,



Our Youth Room is open as an "overflow" space in order to give us extra seating for any Sunday that is filled to near capacity.  The video feed will be live from the start of the service, so anyone who is willing or interested in using the overflow space can find a seat there as soon as the service starts.  As another option, everyone is welcome to join us in the auditorium for worship (since we're all standing anyway) and then those without a seat can make their way to the overflow room when the message begins. 



9:30 – 9:35

Beginning November 4th Pastor Mark will be leading a "Prayer Huddle" for whoever is on (volunteering) for that day – kids' workers, worship team, sound team, greeters, etc.  Please come and join us for a brief but essential time of prayer as we direct our focus and our hearts towards the Lord.


Our Sunday morning prayer time is open to everyone. We start at 9:15 am in one of the classrooms. We pray for the services that morning and for the needs in the church. If you would like to participate, just show up! Contact Pat Harkin at Prayer Team with any questions.



Ephesians 4:29 "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."



For our missionaries – real people who have left the comforts of home to travel somewhere that is 'not home' to see God's kingdom grow – for their personal spiritual welfare and growth – for God to meet their financial, physical, relational, and emotional needs – and for their work to be powerfully effective – for our church to be a real partner with them and not just monthly financial support.

 Here are our missionaries: Josh & Kelly Hallahan, Roberta Nagel, Joy Phillips, Lauren Pupchick, and Jeff & Lisa Sickler



7:00 – 8:15

Be sure to come out and join us for our Bible study on I Corinthians.  Don't miss this mid-week spiritual boost; there's nothing like diving into the Word of God to keep you grounded in His Truths.  Childcare is provided.



7:00 – 8:15

Keep Jesus fresh in your child's mind and heart!  We have classes for children ages 3 – 5 and for those in 1st – 5th grades.  Nursery is provided for infants thru age 2.



7:30 in Youth Room

First and Third Monday of every month

Anyone who has graduated high school up to their early thirties is welcome. See Pastor Mark or Dana for more information. Childcare is provided.


7:00 in Prayer Room

First and Third Monday of every month




Second Saturday of Every Month

8:30 am

Come and join us for a delicious breakfast and a good time of fellowship/sharing with the men of Hope.  Feel free to bring a friend!  Open to men 18 and older.  If anyone would like to help set-up and/or prepare, we meet in the kitchen at 7:00 am. See Bob Rice with any questions.



Small groups are now forming and meeting!  Please prayerfully connect with those on your heart. Small groups are made up of 8-12 adults who meet together every other week.  They discuss the small group study sheet (available in the resource room or on our website) and pray for one another.  Find some people you are close to or some that you want to get to know and ask what their plans for small group are.  Then, start forming a group and meeting!   REGISTER your group (even if it isn't full) and get it to Pastor Mark asap! If you make additions after you turn in your form, just let him know!

If you are still forming a group - please stop at the signup table and take a look at the free agent list!  These are folks who want to be a part of small group but don't know where to start or can't find a group.  Look to fill up your group by adding some of these folks to your group!  Their contact info is listed on the list.


Wednesdays from 7:00 – 8:30
This is a great mid-week boost for our teens to stay connected, grow in the Lord, and have a fun time with each other!  See Dave Hallahan with any questions.

Here's What's Happening This Week!

 For the next three weeks we will be taking time to hear from our new leaders (Ryan Herrero, Jim Jefferson and Jess St.Petery). Be sure to come out as we get to know our new leaders better and hear what God is doing in their lives.





Saturday, November 10th 9:30am – 2:30pm

We are planning a Workshop for Worship right here at Hope and we want you here! This workshop is for everyone who is currently involved in our Music Ministry (Worship Team, Sound and Tech Booth). This day is also for anyone who is interested in exploring the possibility of getting involved - whether it's a technical position like running sound or Songshow, or a musical role like playing in the band and/or singing! This day will include a fellowship breakfast, a time of worship and teaching, some specialized break-out groups, lunch, and lots of information! Please see Dana Ott (or email her at by 10/28 to let her know you are coming or if you have any questions.



We are starting our nomination process for Deacons and the Leadership Team - forms will be out this Sunday. It takes 12 nominations to put a man on the ballot for Leadership Team and 8 nominations to put a man or woman on the ballot for Deacon Team.  A man can be nominated for both Deacon and Leadership Team but will need to choose just one to serve on if elected. Please remember that only partners can nominate or be nominated. Be sure to pick up a form for a complete explanation of not only the process, but also the requirements.  Forms are due on November 4th and should be given to Pastor Mark.

Please Note:  Pastor Mark will be notifying all nominees after 11/4 of their nomination.  There will be an informational meeting for all nominees after our service on 11/11 in the overflow room. 



October 26-27

We are hosting this event right here at Hope!  There will be desserts and snacks Friday night starting at 6:00 and a continental breakfast Saturday morning at 8:00.  This will be a great time together and an awesome way to build your relationship with your spouse. Cost is only $15/person if you register before October 15th!  You can go to our website at and click on the Love and Respect link to register, or simply contact Wendy Devereaux at If you know of anyone who might benefit from a conference like this, please take a few cards and hand them out; this is not just for those who attend Hope.





 It's hard to believe but Christmas Sunday is only 2 months away! This year we'd like to present a mini-cantata on Sunday, Dec.23rd during the morning service. If you are an adult (high school and up), please consider being part of this day; there's nothing like singing Christmas music to get you in the spirit of the season! The rehearsals for this are minimal, but necessary to pull it together.  The dates are 11/28 (Wed), 12/5 (Wed), 12/10(Mon) and 12/22 (Sat). A sign-up sheet will be out on Oct.28th with more information. Please start signing up as soon as possible so we can gauge the interest and opportunity to put a choir together! Please see Dana Ott (or email her at if you have any questions.



December 16th

Mark your calendars now and invite your family and friends to attend!


Toddler/Preschool Classes will be practicing weekly during class time 10/7 – 12/9.

Elementary Classes (1st thru 6th grade) will be practicing weekly after church from 11:30 – 12:15pm, 10/7 – 12/9.

If you have any questions please see either Dana Ott (Elementary) or Kara Ott (Toddlers/Pre-school) or email at



This year Hope will once again be participating in Operation Christmas Child. Pack a shoebox full of little gifts to go to an impoverished child somewhere in the world who would normally receive nothing on Christmas. Pick up a pamphlet on the back Operation Christmas Child table for the tag that needs to go on the outside of the shoebox and for a list of suggested goodies. Then, drop off your shoebox on that same table for pick-up. All shoe boxes are due by Sunday, November 11th.  See Ellen Lewis ( with any questions.




Do you want to truly feel like you are a vital and connected part of Hope?  Then find a place where you can serve!  Here are some ideas!



Saturday November 17th

Saturday January 5th

We are planning to make special pillowcases for the girls of Proximos Pasos Girls School (our missionary Lauren's school in Guatemala). A signup sheet is on the table for sewers, ironers, and cutters.  Don't worry if you can't sew; you can still be a part by donating fabric and thread! Fabric:  colors and prints for girls of all ages.  Pieces at least 1 ½ yards in size, 100% cotton fabric (no flannels, please).  Thread: White or neutral colors, all purpose thread.  Items needed by Sunday, 11/11 - then more by Sunday, 12/30.  Drop donations into the tub located in the Resource Room.  All are welcomed to stop by to encourage the group during the 11/17 & 1/5 workshops at Hope! Contact Liz Johnson (856-287-5308) with any questions.


Needs Team is updating the Rotating Meals Ministry list.  We could use some other willing hearts to prepare the occasional meal for a family during a time of need.  Anyone who would like to be added to this list please see Lorraine Otis or contact her at



We are most in need of canned chicken, tuna, soup, condiments, and canned "meals" like canned ravioli, spaghettios, chili, stew, etc.

Of course, any food donations are always welcome!  See Karen Jones with any questions.

Please remember to check the expiration dates and put all donations in the basket located outside the kitchen door.

Want to help us with the most effective and powerful ministry at Hope?  Join in as part of our Kid's Ministry!  Here's what to do:
                   Contact Brian or Naidona Ott
                   856-589-2047 or
          Toddlers & Preschool
                   Contact Franne Harkin
                   609-458-2124 or
                   Contact Anita Little
                   856-783-7168 or
          Wednesday Night Program
                   Contact Jen Winstel
                   856-782-7798 or

Our Sound and Media Team can always use more helpers.  Don't be scared; they will train you!  Contact Steve Jones for sound at or Jim Bradshaw at for media.

Just pick where you would be most interested in helping and give that person a call. They will fill you in on the current needs and tell you whatever you need to know!


Nursery                          Karla & Brad Hopkins, Dustin Ott

Toddlers                         Karen Blythe, Thereshea Daniels, Luke
Pre K – Kindergarten    Franne Harkin, Maurice Brazelis, Jake Gotshall
1st – 3rd                         Kelly Louis

4th & 5th                         Kylie Ott
Counters                        Kathy Berry, Carole Baumiester
Greeters                        Rick Ayusa
                                      Judy Gotshall
                                      Greg Corrado
                                      Katrina Mariani
Wed. Evening                Brian & Naidona Ott

If you have a prayer request, please fill out a prayer request card and drop it in the offering slot at the back of the church on Sunday or use the "Prayer Request Form" on our website. If you have any questions or would like to join the Prayer Team, please contact Pat Harkin directly at


Franne Harkin – For her nephew (Bill Murray's son Billy).  He has been re-admitted to the hospital; they are running many tests including a biopsy of his lymph nodes.

Tony & Mickey Dariano - Please pray for their grandson, Dominic, who was injured in a serious motorcycle accident. He has a fractured hip, two bruised lungs and a head injury.

Love & Respect Conference – For God to pave the way for a successful conference and to prepare the hearts and minds of all those who will be attending.

Needs Team – For wisdom and discernment as they process the large number of needs being presented, and for all the families who are struggling financially.

Kids Ministry Director - Please pray for God to connect us with the right people at the right time and let Him have His work in all of this!

"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people." Ephesians 6:18


Bending to His Will,

Note: If you do not wish to continue receiving Hope Notes, simply reply to this email and I will remove your name from the list. Any correspondence for Hope Notes goes to Hopenotes Email.




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