Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hope Notes 2/16/12

Dear Friends of Hope~

I know I need to get my prescription changed in my glasses.  For the past few months, I have been struggling to find the 'sweet spot' in my lenses that will enable me to see clearly.  I look through the top, the bottom, I peer over the top of the lenses, I take my glasses off.  Nothing works!  Thank goodness there is a simple solution – go get new lenses.  But how about spiritual clarity?  We don't always see things clearly when it comes to spiritual matters.  Sometimes, they just don't 'make sense' to us.  Sometimes the eyes of our hearts are blind.  Sometimes, we don't want to see clearly.  But, in all of this, we have another simple solution.  Go to the Word of God and ask Him to give you the wisdom to understand (Jas 1:5).  He will open your eyes to see His Truth clearly.  He will open your heart to let those Truths sink in deeply.  Now, I just need to get my lenses adjusted so that I CAN read His Word!   

2/19 – Unresolved Issues (2 Samuel 14)


Sometimes we say that people "have issues".  What we mean is that they have battles raging inside them that spill out into their interactions with others. Many times, those issues arise from struggles within their relationships.  Our issues can be so overwhelming that we feel powerless to even know how to address them.  So we find ways to sidestep those issues and just leave them where they are.  But the problem doesn't just lie still – it keeps popping up over and over again.  Our choice is to continue to let it fester, or to roll up our sleeves and dive into the messy process of working through it.  In David's life, his children have become a source of real heartache.  But he chooses to leave those issues unresolved.  He tries many of the tactics that we try.  But he never actually resolves the issues that are destroying his family.  This day, we'll take a look at some of the ways David tried to avoid what he needed to do – hoping it would just go away.  And we'll dig into the truth in God's Word about resolving the issues that swirl in our relationships with one another.


Did you know that Sunday's worship service is available on CD immediately following the service for FREE?  Pick up a copy for yourself or for anyone you would like to share Hope with.  Pastor Mark's messages are also available on our website,


Our Sunday morning prayer time is open to everyone. We start at 9:15 am in one of the classrooms. We pray for the services that morning and for the needs in the church. If you would like to participate, just show up! Contact Jim Bradshaw at Prayer Team with any questions.



All Sunday School and Nursery teachers/helpers are invited to come join us in the Toddler Classroom every Sunday from 9:40 – 9:45 for a time of prayer before the children begin arriving.

Here's a little Bible trivia for you – did you know that the book of Esther is the only book of the Bible in which the name of God does not appear?  But make no mistake about it; just because God's name isn't mentioned doesn't mean He's not there!  This book has been a great encouragement to persecuted Jews throughout the centuries because it underscores the ultimate deliverance and the survival of God's people.  That is the kind of encouragement we ALL need sometimes!


7:00 – 8:15
You don't want to miss our study of 1Corinthians!  The Christians at Corinth were like so many of us today – they knew Christ, but they still needed His cleansing! Gathering together midweek to dig into God's Word is key in staying connected to our church family and to our Lord.  Childcare is provided.


Our Children's Program runs at the same time as Bible study.  We currently offer classes for 2-3 year olds, 4-5 year olds, and 1st thru 5th graders.

Meets the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month at 7:30 in the Youth Room at church.  Anyone who has graduated high school up to their early thirties is welcome. We now have childcare available.  We have a schedule so that everyone can volunteer to take a week and keep the childcare going.  See Pastor Mark or Dana for more information.

Meets the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Prayer Room at church.  All women are invited to attend.



Sunday, March 11
5:00 – 7:00pm

This is a great even we host every year – you can meet folks and make new friends, and get to enjoy time with your family!  Brunswick Lanes, Rt. 47, Deptford (near Wal-Mart).  $5.00 /person for shoe rental and two hours of bowling.  Sorry, no age discounts -- anyone who bowls pays $5.00.  Watching and cheering on is free!  Signup sheet is in the Resource Room. 

March 2-3, Friday night and Saturday morning

The conference will be held at Calvary Chapel in Philly.  The cost is $35 per person (before Feb 20th).  You can register by going to and choosing the Philadelphia conference.  Since this conference is within driving distance, it is a very economical way to build your marriage.  Of course, there are local hotels available, so you can also make it into a weekend getaway if you'd like.  But whether your marriage is everything you want it to be or not, it is always beneficial to spend a few days focused on one another.   You won't be disappointed in what God does if you take this opportunity!

PS - the "Weekend to Remember" conference that we've attended the past several years is also available locally including Hershey Pa in February, the Poconos in March, and Washington DC in March and April... for more information about this conference, you can go to and go to Weekend to Remember.



Saturday May 19th

It's not too early to mark your calendars for this special day!  This is the first of two main outreach events for our community this year. 

We're going to need 'all hands on deck' to make this a success, so we wanted to get that date out to everyone right now so that we can save the date on our calendars.  In the next month, we'll be asking for help in all kind of areas, from food, to games, to give-aways, to vendor or crafter tables, to parking and setup and cleanup.  There is more to do than we've ever done before, but we are excited for what God is going to do as we reach out to our community on that day.  Keep watching for more information in the coming weeks!

Study sheets are located in the back of the auditorium, or you can print a copy right from our website!  At Small Groups, we'll take a look at how the Bible emphasizes God's plan for us to grow and be healthy through relationships within our spiritual family.  Anyone still looking for a Small Group to plug into can see Damon Briggs; he will help you get connected!


Wednesdays from 7:00 – 8:30
This is a great mid-week boost for our teens to stay connected, grow in the Lord, and have a fun time with each other!  See Dave Hallahan with any questions.



April 20th-22nd @ Delanco Camp.
Early registration is $95.00.  Any registration within a week of the retreat will be $125. Students who attend five Wednesday night meetings from February through the retreat will receive $25 towards their registration fee and those who attend ten meetings will receive $50. More information can be attained through contacting Dave Hallahan ( or 856-340-8519) or from  Be sure to register all students with Dave. A down payment of $45 will be required at time of registration.





Sunday March 18th

We are going to hold a lunch meeting after church on March 18th for anyone who is interested in helping us with our church website.  We want to make our website everything it needs to be in order to help those checking out our church get a good feel for who we are and what we're about.  If you have experience with websites, or are a writer or photographer or graphic designer, we'd like you on our team.  The lunch will be a chance for us to gather everyone interested and organize so that we can keep our website fresh and informational. Coming to the lunch doesn't mean you are committed, but we are praying that God will draw together the right team to work together on this powerful tool.  See Pastor Mark or Dana with any questions.


Ron and Amy Patterson are looking for a car to replace theirs that was totaled in an accident.  They are looking for a 4 door car and have about $2500 to spend.  You can reach Ron any time of day at 856-655-4134.


 Are you remembering to put your change into your Choices of the Heart baby bottles? You can even keep it simple by writing a tax deductible check made payable to Choices of the Heart and slip it into the bottle.  As women see their babies on the free ultrasound tests, the percentage who choose life is remarkably increased. Save the babies – fill your bottles and return by March 4th.  See Wendy Devereaux with questions.



Prints of the church directory photos are available for those of you who are interested!  To order, visit  You can also contact Kristy Straub for additional information at, or text/call 856-217-7233.


For those of you on Facebook, this is just a reminder to go on our Facebook page and "like" it so you can keep up with what's happening.  It's a great way to stay current with all the activities at Hope.  Don't forget our Young Adults and our Youth Groups pages as well.  Even if you don't fall into that age category, it's fun to check them out and see what they're up to.  Plus, fun pictures get posted!



Do you want to truly feel like you are a vital and connected part of Hope?  Then find a place where you can serve!  Here are some ideas!


Needs Team is updating the Rotating Meals Ministry list.  We could use some other willing hearts to prepare the occasional meal for a family during a time of need.  Anyone who would like to be added to this list please see Lorraine Otis or contact her at



Our food pantry has been given a good housecleaning and is ready to go!  All expired food has been tossed and we find that we are low on the following items:

v  Pasta Sauce

v  Peanut Butter and Jelly

v  Boxed Macaroni and Cheese

v  Complete Meals in a Box

v  Canned Fruit

Please remember to check the expiration dates and put all donations in the basket located outside the kitchen door.

Want to help us with the most effective and powerful ministry at Hope?  Join in as part of our Kid's Ministry!  Here's what to do:
                   Contact Brian or Naidona Ott
                   856-589-2047 or
          Toddlers & Preschool
                   Contact Franne Harkin
                   609-458-2124 or
                   Contact Anita Little
                   856-783-7168 or
          Wednesday Night Program
                   Contact Jen Winstel
                   856-782-7798 or

Our Sound and Media Team can always use more helpers.  Don't be scared; they will train you!  Contact Steve Jones for sound at or Jim Bradshaw at for media.

Just pick where you would be most interested in helping and give that person a call. They will fill you in on the current needs and tell you whatever you need to know!

Nursery -                       Brad & Karla Hopkins
Toddlers                        Judy Gotshall & Abbey Harkin, Lauren Maslinski
Pre K – Kindergarten    Bill McGinness & Isaiah Owens, Rachael Schweigart
1st – 5th                           TBA
Counters                        Bill Berry & Jim Bradshaw
Greeters                        John Brazelis
                                       Lucille Franchetti
                                      Lisa Fiorile
                                      Helen Mastalski
Wed. Evening Workers  (N) Pat Nolan (4-5) Liz Johnson & Franne Harkin

If you have a prayer request, please fill out a prayer request card and drop it in the offering slot at the back of the church on Sunday or use the "Prayer Request Form" on our website. If you have any questions or would like to join the Prayer Team, please contact Jim Bradshaw directly at

Don and Alicia Heverly – For their friends whose daughter is a month and a half old and needs a kidney transplant in order to survive. Her parents are desperate and are doing everything they can to find a match. Please pray for baby Eva and her family that she finds a donor.
Youth Pastor – Please pray for our new Youth Pastor, Dave Hallahan, as he beings the task of ministering to our teens, planning programs for them, and moving forward with God's call on his life here at Hope.
Kids Ministry Director.  Please pray for God to connect us with the right people at the right time and let Him have His work in all of this!

"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people." Ephesians 6:18

Through Grace,

Note: If you do not wish to continue receiving Hope Notes, simply reply to this email and I will remove your name from the list. Any correspondence for Hope Notes goes to Hopenotes Email.



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